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Re: Erotic Horror - A Dark and Deadly Lover Ch. 03

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 18:59
by sexy_parul
His face buried in her pussy, Carla wrapped her legs around his head and shoulders, pinning him to her. Her arms closed around his legs, pulling them wide as he began to struggle. Her lips found the femoral artery throbbing at his inner thigh, her fangs dropped. Her pussy swallowed his scream as she bit down straight into the artery, her mouth filling with his blood.

His arms flailed at trying to dislodge his face, his mouth working to bite her and she tightened her legs to hold him, surprised to feel another orgasm mounting. Unfortunately, she drank too quickly and his struggles slowed and then stilled altogether before she could get that gratification.

Carla released him, his head dropped heavily, and as she leaned over to kiss his soft cock in gratitude, his last breath rattled from his lungs. He had told her that her dark lover usually trolled Rice Park for his meals unless he found someone to his liking at the clubs.

She grinned wide as she stood from her now lifeless host, the fact that Daray St. Johns had found her to his liking firmly affixed in her mind. With her lust as yet satisfied sufficiently Carla left the abandoned building not bothering to attempt to hide the body and set out for the park he had mentioned. There was only one man that could appease her ache and she was going to find him. She was going after Daray.

A twig snapped over to her left and Carla spun around wildly, her eyes searching the shadows but only seeing small creatures scurrying through the leave strewn grounds. An almost bone-chilling breeze hit her in the back after that and she froze. He was there, standing just behind her now. She could sense him with every fiber of her being.

"What are you doing here?" That delicious deep voice demanded and Carla turned slowly to face him, her breath leaving her lungs at his stunning handsomeness.

"Look... looking for you." She answered once she found her voice, those dark eyes flashing back at her. The security light in the distance only illuminated his face and black hair, his lower half still hidden in the shadows, yet instinctively she knew he would be wearing black.

"Why?" He demanded next although he already knew the answer, the scent of her lust was strong.

"I need you, Daray." She answered honestly and heard him chuckle softly.

"You know my name, do you?" He queried, turning to walk away as he spoke and Carla took up to follow.

"Yes, you are Daray St. Johns... damn! Everything about you oozes in sensuality, even your name, Daray St. Johns..." She whispered, keeping up with him as he moved deeper into the thick trees.

"Although I would not agree with your assessment, Carla, I thank you for the compliment." He told her and she gave a tiny gasp of delight that he knew or remembered her name, as she could not recall giving it to him that night.

"I... I was told that you hate Anise Dubois even though you're her lover. Why don't you leave?" She blurted what she had learned and he stopped, turning slowly to face her again, the heavy shadows kept his expression hidden.

"And do tell me, Little One, what else you might know about me." He stated, his voice low, angry as he spoke and using the name he had called her the night of her turning.

"That you were turned over one hundred years ago." She responded.

"And?" Followed the next question.

"And that it's possible that you can't leave Anise Dubois." She added and heard him sigh.

"Do not become attached, Carla, it could mean your death." He warned her ominously, but it was already too late although right now he did not know it.

"Daray, make love to me, please..." She whispered.

"I can't, Carla." He told her softly, sadly it sounded to her.

"Because she would know, is that why? You can only have sex in order to take blood?" She questioned him quickly.

"Yes." Came the whispered, yet stunning response.

"Then take some from me, but please... please, I need you!" She cried in near desperation.

"Don't you understand, I... damn woman!" He hissed as she shot forward, her hand lifting quickly to cup him and give a gentle squeeze.

"I need this, Daray, I hurt so bad. Take some of my blood so she does not know, please!" She begged and in the next moment her back slammed hard against the bark of a tree.

His mouth angrily closed over her own, his tongue driving past her startled and parted lips and Carla nearly melted at the promised passion of that kiss. His lower body shifted slightly back, the faint sound of a snap and zipper drifted to her ears and she smiled against his lips.

His hands came to her hips, shoving up her short skirt and one large hand moved, his fingers tracing lightly over the lacy material of her panties, damp with need. With one hard jerk the scrap of cloth was torn away and Carla shifted her stance, opening herself up to his touch.

She groaned deeply into his mouth as his hand returned, the heel of his palm grinding up against her and Carla nearly dropped to her knees in pleasure. Daray must have sensed it as he wrapped one steel banded arm around her waist to hold her steady and drove one finger into her heat, her knees buckled, his arm tightened. His finger thrusts were powerful yet caused her no pain and as he pleasured her so expertly his tongue took up the same motion inside her mouth.

The young man she had destroyed was a good finger fucker, but was absolutely nothing compared to how Daray was quickly making her feel. He brought her closer and closer to an explosive climax, feeling her tighten around his slick hand. His arm slipped low, beneath her buttocks and with the ease of lifting a feather he hoisted her up, his had pulled free to guide his erection to her inflamed dampness.

Carla wrapped her legs around his hips as he let his hand drop from himself and thrust forward, burying his full length and expanse with one powerful drive. The pain was minimal compared to the explosion that went off within her as his bulbous head slammed into her back wall.

Blinding white lights filled her vision, her orgasm so violent that Daray had to wrap his other arm around her hips to keep her impaled around him. His mouth swallowed her cries of complete rapture, her body convulsing against him as wave after wave of painful bliss flooded through her system.

"Of fuck, Daray!" She gasped as he finally lifted from her lips, those dark eyes flashing down at her while he held himself immobile until her orgasm began to ebb.

And then he began to move, his strokes slow, deep, filling her unlike any other man possibly could.

"Hmmm... that feels so good... you're so... hmmm, big... so perfect... hmmm..." She moaned in pleasure, her head lulling from side to side and he seared her insides with his mass.

"Bite me when... oh sweet... bite me when you cum, Daray... take my... uh... uh... take my blood... oh shit!" She screamed as he lunged deep, his fangs bit down, taking the offered blood as they climaxed together.

Liquid heat filled her lower body, numbing cold her upper until they met somewhere in the middle, battling until only one could be the victor. Of course, the heat won the war, but the sensations ended all too quickly as he lifted his head from her throat. His arms released her and she slid off his luscious yet deflating cock.

"Are you all right?" He asked, his voice slightly husky in the darkness.

"Better than all right!" Carla gasped in delight, reaching out to grasp his slick cock and tugging him forward, knowing he was possibly thinking she wanted him again, yet laughed almost gently as she used the material of her skirt to clean him off.

"I have to go." He whispered, backing away to adjust himself beneath his slacks, the zipper grating closed, the snap final.

"Daray?" Her voice stopped him when he turned to leave.

"Don't, Carla. I may have already signed a death warrant for us both." He stated sadly.

"Come with me, Daray. Leave her." She begged of him despite his warning.

"I can't get away from her, damn it!" He shouted in anger at her then an almost animalistic growl sounded deep within his chest and then he was gone.

Daray had no more passed through the doorway of the club than he was ushered by Armand and Oliver toward the bar where Anise sat, her eyes hot as they looked him up and down.

"Join me for a drink, Daray." She stated and motioned to the bartender to prepare a drink for him.

"I'm tired, Anise. And I only want to go to sleep now so your punishment of me will need to wait." He shot back angrily.

"Didn't you find that extra meal I told you to take, lover?" She questioned silkily and his dark eyes glowered back at her, his chest swelled as he pulled in air.

"No, I thought perhaps you might kill me this time and get it over with!" He growled so that only she would hear him.

"Don't be absurd, Daray! I have no intention of destroying you, but I have thought long and hard of what sort of punishment I could give you for your attack upon me." She laughed softly, glancing down at the drink that was placed in front of him on the bar. It would not hurt him, but what she had planned for later most certainly would, not physically, but emotionally he would pay.

"Drink it." She commanded and his eyes narrowed, shifted to the glass and then back to her own.

"You drink it." He returned after a moment's pause and saw her anger ignite.

"Poisoning me is a suitable form of punishment?" He laughed, yet there was no humor in his eyes.

Re: Erotic Horror - A Dark and Deadly Lover Ch. 03

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 19:12
by sexy_parul
"I told you, I have no intention of destroying you. You are perfection itself, forever young, wickedly handsome, strong and so very, very virile. I told you when I turned you, Daray, that I had been searching for a man like you for centuries and the way that your body pleasures me I would be an idiot to physically maim you in some way." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm quite sure there are other men out in the this world better than myself, Anise. With your beauty it should be quite easy to find another who would gladly give you what you want." He told her bluntly and she smiled at his biting compliment.

"I don't want a weakling, Daray, you fight me with a inner fire that comes through when we bed. I have had hundreds of lovers in my long life, but not one can compare to you. Your blood is sweet, addicting, just as your body is also. The lava from your cock, delicious with a flavor unlike any I have ever known. No, Daray, I want no other and until such time as I take your life, you will remain mine. Now... drink!" She commanded harshly and he reached over, snatching up the glass, nearly shattering it in a tight grip as he threw the contents into his mouth and swallowed.

"Let the games begin!" He hissed and stormed away from the bar, wondering exactly what he had just consumed and what it was going to do to him.

Re: Erotic Horror - A Dark and Deadly Lover Ch. 04

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 19:13
by sexy_parul
A Dark and Deadly Lover Ch. 04
He did not have long to wait. No sooner had he entered the private suite of rooms off the side of the office, whatever was in the drink hit him like a ton of bricks.

Swaying unsteadily upon his feet, using the walls and furniture to keep him upright, Daray moved deeper into the living room, tripping finally over the lounge chair Anise was constantly moving about. He landed in a heap upon the floor, barely managing to throw his arms out in time to stop himself from landing on his face. With a growl of anger he rolled to his back, the ceiling above spinning like mad before his eyes.

"Bitch!" He hissed between clenched teeth, fighting the wave of nausea that threatened at the back of his throat, leaving a burning, bitter taste in his mouth.

Darkness gathered around the irises of his eyes, whatever she had given him was going to send him into oblivion and Daray heard a laugh, realizing that it came from deep within his chest. What was so funny he had no idea, only he could not stop more from erupting as the darkness grew larger, deeper until silence engulfed and he slept.

Carla paced, back and forth, back and forth. Her throat was still tender from Daray's bite, yet a slow, warm smile worked its way across her lips at the memory, moreover the memory of him taking her right there in the park, hard, hot and heavy. Even after the thorough pounding he'd given her, the incredible orgasms she'd experienced, she wanted more... now!

She continued to pace the long length of the abandoned warehouse she now called home along with several others of her kind. She had lost her apartment after Daray had turned her, she could no longer work the dayshift and her nights were now filled with sustaining her need of blood. The sex was just a way to get it, offering up her body as a lure to satisfy her hunger. Sex that left her feeling empty, and unsatisfied all because of Daray.

Human or vamp alike could not make her body feel the way his could. Could not fill her to overflowing, warming her from the inside out as his climax's did. Even now, after only a few hours since he'd taken her so gloriously her hunger for him intensified, she wanted the feel of his powerful body pressed against her own, his hips rocking into hers, that incredible length working her to higher and higher plateaus.

Her steps faltered as she thought about him returning to Anise, what would happen to him if the more powerful vampire found out of their time together. Since coming here to live she had heard stories about the pair, how much Daray hated the woman that controlled him and how ferociously jealous the woman was. Only a handful of the vampires living in this warehouse with her knew of her fascination of Daray and all had warned her that she was playing a very dangerous game with her life. Anise would not tolerate any other woman attempting to lay claim to the man she had created simply as a sexual toy. Many had tried and all had died. Carla aimed to change that, if possible.

Yes, she had to admit that she was obsessed with the man, obsessed with his looks, his gentleness, his compassion that she knew he held despite what he was, otherwise he would have killed her the night he'd turned her. To Carla, Daray was like a drug that she could never get enough of and she acknowledged silently to herself that she was addicted fully. There had to be a way to get him away from Anise, a way to destroy one of the most powerful vampires imaginable, but how.

Oh hell! Was the first thought that ran through Daray's mind when he awoke to find himself tied, hands and feet to a wooden frame in the shape of a very large X. He glanced down, his frown deepening to find himself completely naked and he was hungry. Very, very hungry which told him that Anise had drank from him before he had regained consciousness.

Looking around, he realized that he was also no longer in the private chambers of the club and that absolutely nothing looked familiar. A sense of dread crept up his spine and yet, he still prayed for the death to take him out of Anise's control. Unfortunately, he knew too that what she had told him was true, she would not kill him, not until she was ready to end his life and after over one hundred years it seemed that that time was never going to come.

There were no windows for him to judge the time of day or night and from the cramps in his arms, he guessed he'd been placed here not too long after he had lost consciousness.

What were her plans for him? Daray questioned in silence. Did she plan on leaving him here for a few days, letting his blood lust grow? It wouldn't take long, the only feeding he had partaken had been from Carla and that had only been enough to enhance his climax, a trait Anise had instilled within him when she'd turned him.

He fought the images that flashed through his mind. The images of the turning so many years ago, of how many times she controlled his body and his mind with only her words. She was his creator and the only ways he could be freed of her hold upon him was through death. His or Anise's. Unfortunately, with that control came his inability to destroy his creator and that, in and of itself, was the most infuriating considering he had tried on several occasions only to end up... like he was at this very moment.

"Damn!" He growled into the silence.

The hours stretched on, Daray's arms were completely numb not even aware that the twisting, jerking and tugging had caused the ropes to cut into his flesh and he was losing what little precious blood he had. He rested as best he could, floating in and out of consciousness as the day or night wore on. It was during one lucid moment that he decided that leaving him here without the chance to feed was how she planned on punishing him. He could not have been more wrong.

When night came, after feeding voraciously Anise stood silently watching Daray sleep. His chin rested lightly upon his chest, which rose and fell in a shallow rhythm, a telling clue as to how weak he actually was. A small pang of guilt washed through her, but when she recalled his attack, her conviction to punish him came back strongly.

He was a magnificent creature, even after one hundred plus years under her control. A soft smile curled her bloodstained lips; she had chosen her mate well so long ago. His muscular frame was just as firm and rippled as the night she had taken him into her fold, into her bed and into her body and a shudder of need enveloped her as she continued to stare at him.

The moment he had entered the club and sat down beside her she knew he had been with the same woman twice. She could smell the bitch all over him and his clothing and jealousy clawed at her chest. Daray was her chosen mate and whomever this female was, she had just signed her own death warrant.

Anise silently glided across the floor, hand lifting to rake a long nail down the center of his torso and his head snapped up at the touch. Dazed, bloodlust filled eyes swirled until he could focus upon his visitor and she smiled up at him.

"Hello, lover." She stated in her sultry voice and he went rigid in alarm.

There were streaks of blood down both arms and down his sides from where he had tried to free himself. The sweet scent pulled at her senses and her tongue snaked out to moisten her suddenly dry lips.

"Kill me now, Anise." He growled low, unable to lift his voice much higher in his weakness.

"Never, Daray." She responded, moving closer, pressing her face against his rippled belly, inhaling a scent that only he possessed and her jealously surged when that scent mingled with that of the female he had taken earlier.

In a fit of anger she struck out, her steely fingernails raking a deep gash across his abdomen, yet he did not call out in pain. The only sound he emitted was a sharp hiss of breath and his eyes narrowed down at her dangerously.

"I will find the bitch who dares try to take you from me, Daray. I will find her and I will kill her in front of your eyes and there will be nothing you can do to stop me." She threatened and his fangs dropped, his feral growl sounding low in his chest making her laugh.

She leaned in again, lapping at the fresh source of his blood; another sign of his weakness was the wound was not healing as quickly as it should. Licking, lapping at the flow, she used her own saliva to seal the gash stopping the flow of blood, but she did not pull away.

"Anise... do not..." Daray snarled as her mouth moved lower, her face now even with his groin and close enough for him to feel her icy breath over his flesh.

"Ripen for me, Daray. I will take your sweet, sweet seed into my belly for it warms me like a blazing fire." She whispered softly and he gritted his teeth in an attempt to block out her voice, his fangs dug into the tender flesh of his lower lip until he could taste his own blood.

Her hands to his hips, sliding up and down his outer thighs, he knew what she intended and knowing there was nothing he could do in his current condition or situation to stop her.