Erotic book - Mom's Rape Cure by J. S. Bradley

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Re: Erotic book - Mom's Rape Cure by J. S. Bradley

Post by admin » 24 Feb 2016 12:25

Chapter 7
"Boo, come get this bastard and take him below," Jody ordered, sticking his head through the hatchway.
He let his eyes roam over the naked flesh and the puddles of sperm. "You fucked out yet, Boo?"
"Yeah, Jody," Boo grinned broadly. "For a little while. I blew and blew, Jody. She's sure got a soft
pussy, Jody, and she took all my cock in it, too. Aw, boy, I feel good, Jody!"
He got up, weaving slightly, unaware of his nudity. Suzy could hear them talking when Boo went on
deck. It was pitch black outside now, and there was a dim light coming from the console. She heard
scuffling sounds.
"Be careful of him, Boo!"
In a moment, Boo appeared in the hatchway with Captain Elsworth. He was holding the old man by his
armpits. Captain Elsworth was conscious now, but it pained him every time he took a breath. Boo
brought him down into the cabin and set him on the side berth with startling gentleness.
Boo stood back and looked at him. His big cock waggled in the old man's face, still leaking, still shiny
with Tish's drying cunt juice.
Boo turned around and grinned. "I gotta go back up," he announced, as if they were all friends now.
"Jody wants me up on deck. I gotta close the door, because we're just about to go under the bridge into
Florida Bay."
He went up the steps and shut the door, locking it. Captain Elsworth groaned, obviously in pain. Suzy
went over to him and knelt beside him.
"Oh, what can I do, Captain?" she asked.
He smiled at her, wincing. "Nothing, honey," he said. "Got cracked ribs. They'll mend, just as soon as
we get out of this." He looked at her young breasts for the first time, and there was a sweet gentleness in
his eyes. "I'm so sorry," he said. He looked around the cabin, seeing the puddle of sperm, the red, open
pussy between Tish's thighs that she wasn't even trying to close up now. "My God, my God," he
whispered softly.
Suzy put her hand on his arm. "We're all right, Captain. Really, we are. You couldn't have stopped any
of it."
Matt slid off the bunk and turned his back to Captain Elsworth. "Do you think you could undo this knot?
I can't feel my fingers any more."
The old man puffed and grunted with pain. His fingers worked a long time at the knot. He swore softly,
but he finally got it undone. Matt groaned and rubbed his wrists.
There was the sound of a car horn in the direction of the boat's stern. Captain Elsworth sighed. "We're
into the Bay now. No chance left to get help. We're stuck, I'm afraid."
"Isn't there anything we can do?" Matt asked. "Maybe I could swim for it!"
The old man shook his head. "If a hammerhead didn't get you, son, the
current would. We can hope he doesn't know where he's going and runs
aground. It's all mud flats and grass beds around here, and he's
heading into some shallow bights. But I'm afraid that's a slim hope. I
watched him. He can handle it all. If only he hadn't found the gun
"Is there a knife, a club - anything?" Matt asked.
The old man shook his head. "The fish billy's back at the stern, in the bait box. That's all I've got, son,"
he said apologetically.
The door opened. Jody looked down at them and sneered at the way they were all bunched around the
"Looks like a mutiny, Pops. You know what they do to mutineers, don't you?"
"Same thing they do to pirates!" he snapped back.
Jody laughed thinly. "Don't bug me, you old fart. I've got to figure out what to do with all of you after we
land. See - you know too much now, get me?" He laughed again, closing the door.
Tish looked after him, her mouth open.
"He's going to kill us," she said hollowly.
Captain Elsworth put his hand on her arm gently. "Me, maybe. And maybe your boy." He couldn't bring
himself to suggest what they would do with her and Suzy. He didn't have to. Even Suzy understood. "But
don't give up. We'll think of something."
"What?" Tish said, her voice hollow. There was a small smile on her face. "Matt's no match for them.
Your ribs are cracked. Let's be honest with each other, Captain. That's the least we can do now."
The old man looked at her a long moment, then winked at Suzy and Matt. "There's some fightin' gal
there, kids," he said. "Whatever happened down here wasn't all bad, because your mom sure looks
different than she did this morning."
They both looked at their mother, then at each other. The old man was right. They had their mother
"We can't out-muscle them, maybe," he said, getting a crafty look on his leathery face. "So we gotta
outwit them and make them use their strength for us instead of against us - and their squabbles."
"And their passions," Tish added, squeezing his arm. She looked at Suzy. "Do you understand me,
"Yes, Mom," Suzy said, her pussy tingling reflexively. She remembered the sight of Boo's big prick and
the look in his eye when he'd watched her come in her mother's mouth. "Yes, I understand, Mommy!"
* * *
The boat churned through the shallow waters of the night. After some time, the engines slowed to an
idle. Matt knelt on the bunk and pulled the curtain aside and looked out.
"I see a light," he said. "Looks like a lantern. Yes, there's a tent.
One - no - two people, male and female."
"A boat?" Captain Elsworth asked. "Is there another boat?"
"I don't . . . yes, there it is, on the other side of a clump of mangroves." He pulled his head back in. "We
going to swipe it?"
"I don't know, son."
They were barely drifting forward. There was the mushy feel of the prow burrowing into the mud
bottom, and the forward motion stopped. Jody worked the engines and made the stern swing around
closer to the island. Voices came to them as ropes were tossed and snugged up and tied to stout
mangrove roots. The door opened, and Boo grinned down.
"Everybody out," he said jovially.
They filed out. Jody was ashore. He stood with Kermitt. They were arguing nastily with each other.
". . . stole a fucking boat!" Kermitt roared. "Dumb son of a bitch!"
"What the hell was I supposed to do, you asshole! Float to England? Maybe you got that turkey for us
on purpose, huh? You and the rental bastard had it all figured, huh?"
"Cut it out, Jody! How would we get the stuff Miami, huh?"
Jody pointed a stiff finger. "What the hell you got tied up over there, an elephant?"
"It's hot. They'd be looking for it, and you know it. That's why we rented yours, remember? But now,
you dumb asshole, we got the Coast Guard out looking for a missing charter boat. You sure as hell can't
hide that big thing under the mangroves!"
"Well, what was I supposed to do, Kermitt""
Fay spoke for the first time. Like her brother, she had dark hair. Unlike him, her build was slender and
willowy, while his was stocky and muscular.
She had small tits, tight little cones on her naked chest. Each of them wore briefs and nothing more. Her
hair was mussed. His cock was full in the pouch of his briefs.
"Come on, Jody, let's not argue about it any more," she said quietly. "I don't feel like arguing. You
could have taken the boat in and had the engine fixed and come back tomorrow, that's all. We'd still be
here. Hey, come on - let's have fun instead of arguing, huh?"
"Sure, you'd still be here tomorrow," Jody said darkly, looking at her, his eyes flicking over her naked
tits and her panties.
She leaned against him, running her hands over his shoulders and chest, making a cooing sound. "I'm the
one who should be mad, Jody," she pouted. "You came just at the wrong time. Kermitt and I were
having a lovely fuck when we heard your old boat coming along."
Jody snaked his arm around her slender waist. "Fine, let's us finish fucking then, baby."
Kermitt glared. "Get your hands off my sister," he said.
"You need a change, old buddy," Jody grinned. "Why don't you go knock off one of those pussies I
brought you. Break 'em in. I got it figured with them. We take them back to Colombia and sell 'em to
that one-eyed bastard - what's his name?"
"The Indian?" Kermitt asked, looking through the dim light at Tish and Suzy for the first time. He smiled.
"Yeah, why not? Couple thou each maybe? Shit, I don't know what girls bring. They dogs?"
"For Christ's sake, go look, touch, and fuck! Hell no, they're not dogs! Couple of queens! Do I bring
you lousy merchandise?"
Kermitt squinted through the darkness and went toward them, eyeing up Suzy and then Tish and then
favoring Suzy again. He squeezed her tit and felt her ass.
"Damn!" he said huskily.
"Watch it, buddy," Matt snarled.
"Fuck off, punk," he growled. "Better yet, lemme see you fuck your mother. This your mother? Sure, she
is." His face went nasty. "Get fucking, kid, or I'll use your cock for shark bait."
He pushed Suzy toward the light. Jody and Fay had come over, and Jody was snickering. "You better
get it up, punk. Kermitt's nastier than I am, and you'd better believe it."
"That's hard to believe," Matt said insolently. He looked at his mother, and she looked at him. Tish
turned fully to him and went up against him and curled her arms around his neck, pressing her naked
body against his, kissing him.
"Fuck me, son," she said. "We'd better do what they say."
Kermitt cackled sharply. "Hot damn! You talk my language, Momma!"
"The name's Tish," she said, turning her head toward him and looking at him boldly, lifting Matt's hand to
her tit and making him cup it. Hers went to his cock and balls, and she fondled him openly.
"Man, oh man!" Kermitt whooped, looking at Jody. "This is really something! Hey, Momma, how about
if I fuck your daughter, huh?"
"Why don't you ask Suzy?" Tish said, arching her brow at him. "I'm only her mother, not her keeper."
Kermitt whooped again. Fay thought it was funny too. Even Jody grinned. Boo stood there like a bear
and grinned from ear to ear, not quite sure what he was laughing at. He kept looking at Fay and licking
his lips.
Suzy sucked in her breath and watched her mother. She'd never seen her quite so cool and calculating
before. She looked at Kermitt and couldn't help the way her pussy throbbed. He was rather handsome.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Captain Elsworth try to edge out of the circle of light. Fay saw him
"Hey, where's the old man going?"
"Nowhere," Jody said threateningly. "Right, Pops?"
Captain Elsworth sighed. He came back, holding his arm around his ribs. "I thought I'd leave you
youngsters to your games," he said wistfully, "and just take my cracked old bones to bed."
"No way, Pops!" Jody jeered. "You get fucked too, right girls? Everybody gets fucked tonight, for
tomorrow we may die!" He laughed and hugged Fay's slender body to him, passing his hand over her tits
so that her nipples popped springily erect. "Let's get on with it, kid," he said to Matt. "We're all watching
you become a real by-God mother-fucker!"
Kermitt went into the tent. He brought back blankets and spread them on the sandy ground, grinning. He
pulled Suzy with him and waited for Tish and Matt to get down and fuck.
"Ready, darling?" Tish asked her son, still fondling his balls. She glanced down and whispered to him.
"You're going to have to get stiffer than this, sweetie. Don't worry. It's all right, honey. This is one time I
want you to really fuck Mommy, okay?"
"All right, Mom," he gasped, following her to the blankets.
"Uh-hiya, Fay," Boo said, grinning and nodding, going up to her sheepishly and watching Jody slide his
hand into her panties. "Boy, it's been a fun night, hasn't it?"
"Well, if it isn't Boo!" Fay laughed. "I didn't even see you hulking around, Boo. How's my big honey?"
"Aw, just great, Fay," Boo choked, damn near stumbling over his own feet with admiration for her. "I
been fuckin' and fuckin'!"
"Oh, that's wonderful, Boo," she said, rolling her eyes. "Who's the lucky girl? The little girl?"
"Naw, Fay - the lady!" Boo blushed. "And she took my whole cock in her soft pussy, too! Aw, it was
great, Fay! I blew and blew in her soft pussy!"
"That's thrilling, sweetie," Fay said, her voice turning cattier by the second, knowing he'd never notice it.
"Why don't you go blow up her ass, Boo?"
"'Cause I - I wanna . . . aw, Fay, you know what I wanna do!"
"You want to fuck me, Boo? Oh, isn't that sweet, Jody? Boo still wants to fuck me."
"Take it easy on him, dummy," Jody warned her.
She chucked Boo under his little chin and clucked. "Maybe soon, Boo," she teased him. "Ohhhhh, such
a big hard prick you're getting!" She touched the wide head with the tip of her finger, and Boo's cock
jerked and throbbed.
Jody turned her away and warned her again. "You're gonna get it one of these times, dummy. I'm telling
"I can handle him, Jody," she said defiantly. "God, stick that long cock up my pussy and fuck me!" She
threw her arms around his neck and plastered herself to him.
Tish watched his hand peel her panties from her ass. He cupped her cheeks and drove her down onto
the ground, shucking his pants at the same time, his long, thin cock springing toward her uplifted cunt. He
drove into her, fucking her hard and fast, and she seemed to like it that way.
She saw Boo hover around and watch, licking his lips, his prick thick and stiff now. She glanced at
Kermitt and saw him squirm slightly at the sight of his sister being fucked. He reached out and grabbed
at Suzy.
"Ohhhhhh, now, Matt - now!" Tish cried, lying beneath him next to Kermitt and Suzy.
She went onto her back and spread her legs. She lifted her knees high.
She fondled her tits and then slid her hands down between her thighs.
She fondled her pussy and spread the lips for her son.
"Suck it, my darling son - suck Mommy's pussy before you fuck it."
Matt held his breath. His cock throbbed to hardness. He glanced at Suzy. Suzy gave him a furtive nod of
her head. Matt slid between his mother's thighs and gazed into the hole he'd come from and moaned at
the wet silkiness of it.
"Suck her good, kid," Kermitt said huskily, his prick stretching in his briefs. He watched steadily.
Matt gave him a show. He didn't need a great deal of encouragement. His mother's pussy was sweet
and silky. He inhaled her perfume and then lapped at her slit with his tongue, tasting her honey, dipping
back for more.
"Oh, God," Tish moaned quietly, sucking in her breath as if startled. Her belly quivered, and her fingers
tangled in his hair. She glanced aside at Suzy and licked her lips.
Suzy knew her mother was liking it. She could tell by now how her mother reacted when she was hot.
Her pelvis tipped up, and her pussy opened wider.
Matt slid his hands under his mother's asscheeks and slurped at her wet, slippery slit. His tongue drilled
into her pussy hole, and he heard her moan. He could feel the quivering tissue of her cunt mouth, and he
knew she wasn't just pretending to like it.
His cock speared down from his crotch. Kermitt watched him closely and could see that Tish was really
getting hot. Her clit strained up from the top of her cleft, and Matt sucked it.
"Oh! Oh, God, darling! Fuck me! Ohhhh, hurry and fuck your hot mother!"
He gasped. He scrambled over her. She grasped his prick and jacked it and then aimed it toward her
wet, quivering pussy and lifted up. She wrapped her hands around his ass and pulled, and her son's
prick sank all the way into her squirming cunt.
"Ahhhhh, Suzy! Ohhhh, darling - now I know why you came so hard! Ohhhh, Matt, you devil! Where
did you learn to fuck so well? God, you're nearly as thrilling to me as your father! Ah! Deeper! Faster!
Ohhhhh, darling! Your shameless mother is getting ready to come!"
"Mom!" he gasped. He pumped at her. His prick probed her depths. He felt her muscles spasm around
his hard shaft. She had a way of tipping her pelvis as he drew backward so that her big, soft pussy
muscle stripped the bottom of his hot cock.
"Mom!" he gasped. "Jesus, Mom! I'm going to come! Shit, I'm going to come in my mother!"
"Do it, darling! Ohhhhhh, do it! I'm hot! I'm going to come with you!
Matt! My sweet baby, I'm coming! Ahhhh, God!"
She heaved upward, her ass lifting from the blanket. Her pussy sucked and pulled at her son's cock,
stripping it. He yelled with her and couldn't stop the jets of sperm from hosing into her cunt. He spewed
and writhed and clung to his mother's tits as if ready to suckle them again.
Suzy gasped. She didn't know exactly what her mother had in mind, but what she'd just done hadn't
been a game. She'd come hard and freely, and Matt had come in her.
Her pussy twitched and began to run. She felt Kermitt's hand sweep between her thighs. Then he was
pushing her back and getting over her, his cock spearing stiffly into her belly.
"God, that was hot! I love it!" he gasped. "Baby, I'm gonna fuck you hard! Hey, Momma - watch me
fuck your daughter!"
He parted Suzy's bent knees and speared his prick into her open cunt, sinking deep, filling her with hot,
throbbing cock.
"Ahhhhh, Mommy! He's fucking me!" she cried.
"He sure is, darling," Tish moaned, leaning over to kiss Suzy's brow. She watched Suzy's tits shake and
jiggle with each quick stroke of Kermitt's cock into her body.
"Come, honey," she said softly. "Enjoy it. You might as well, you know."
"Oh, God - I am!" Suzy cried, lifting her hips, letting her pussy suck and pull at his hard cock. She
gasped and saw her brother's prick come out of her mother's pussy, wet and dripping with cum. She
moaned and held out her arms to him. "Matt. . ." she croaked, her lips soft and wet.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Kermitt gasped. "Ohhhhh, yeah . . ."
Matt came over to her. His prick throbbed. Suzy reached out and took it in her hand and pulled, her
mouth falling open, her lips pursing.
"Sis!" Matt gasped.
"I want to suck it, Matt!"
"Ohhhhhh, Sis!"
"Yeah! Yeah!" Kermitt moaned, pumping harder and harder in Suzy's cunt, his eyes wide.
Tish pushed at Matt, encouraging him. Suzy wondered why. Then some glimmer of realization came
through to her as she felt Kermitt's cock throb wildly in her tight pussy.
Kermitt was hooked - hooked on incest. Not just with his own sister, but any incestuous happening.
Boo had told them that at the beginning.
Boo had told them other things, too.
Suzy wrapped her lips around her brother's wet cock and sucked, tasting the sweet, heady mixture of
his sperm and her mother's cunt honey on it.
"Ahhhhh, Sis!" Matt cried, arching his hips toward her face, looking down at Kermitt, who was just
about to blow his wad into her pussy from the excitement of it all.
Suzy nearly swooned. She wished it were Matt's prick inside her. But if it were, then she wouldn't be
able to suck it, too - not at the same time she was fucking it.
She had the answer! Oh, God - did she have the shameless, perverted answer!
"Daddy!" she cried, fucking her pussy high into the air and making it suck and puff as she pretended.
"Ahhhhhhgh!" Kermitt bellowed suddenly, plowing into her, ramming his prick all the way to the back of
her spasming tunnel.
His cum hosed into her pussy, bucking and spurting in syrupy jets. His hands mauled her firm tits at the
same time. He growled and whimpered and emptied his balls into her sweet cunt until the spasming hole
overflowed and drooled onto the blanket.
Suzy drew on her brother's cock until he whimpered. She was dimly aware of some arguing. She heard
Jody's commanding voice and then Boo's high whining.
"Get the hell away from her! I told you you couldn't fuck her! You big dumb asshole!"
"I wanna fuck her, Jody! She likes me! I know she wants me to blow in her soft pussy, Jody! Don't ya,
Fay? Aw, say ya do, Fay!"
"You big baboon!" Fay squeaked. "Jody, keep him - KERMITT!"
Kermitt jerked erect atop Suzy. His head whipped around. He rolled off her, sucking his prick from her
wet, drenched pussy, springing to his feet.
"Let her go, Boo!" he roared. "Jody, I told you I'm gonna kill that fuckin' idiot!"
"Goddamn it, Boo - drop her!" Jody bellowed.
Fay squealed and kicked and dangled helplessly from Boo's arm. Suzy and Matt stared, their hearts
pounding. They saw their mother mixed into the middle of it.
She had wads of sperm all over her face and neck and chin. It ran from the corners of her mouth, and
she swallowed and gulped repeatedly.
"Do it, Boo!" Tish cried, choking slightly on the juiciness in her mouth. "Fuck her! She's teased you and
tormented you long enough, now fuck her!"
"You goddamn cunt!" Jody yelled at Tish, his voice as sharp as his face. "You put him up to this!"
He sprang to his feet and made a threatening lunge toward her. She was half cowering behind Boo, and
Boo stood in the way with the wriggling girl in his arm and defied Jody.
"Don't you hurt the lady, Jody," he said. "Now, don't you hurt the lady!"
"You get out of my way, you big idiot, you fucking dolt, you mindless slob! You get out of my way! I'm
going to rape that bitch's ass bloody!"
"No you ain't, Jody!" Boo cried. He pushed out at Jody's chest and sent him sprawling onto his butt. He
propped himself up and looked at Boo with utter astonishment and more than a trace of fear.
He reached for the gun in his pants. The trouble was, he didn't have his pants on. They were heaped on
the ground several yards from him, and the gun was with them.
"Now, Boo," he said. "Take it easy, Boo."
"You ain't gonna hurt her, Jody!" Boo said warningly again. "She's been real nice to me. She fucked me
in the boat and let me blow into her soft pussy all I wanted. She took all my cock up into her soft pussy
and didn't never once tell me to take it out."
"So what? So what? You were raping her, Boo!"
"Naw!" he said. "I was fuckin' her with my cock! And just now she came over while you and Fay was
fuckin' and told me how you're so mean to me, ordering me around all the time, and she's right, Jody,
she's right!"
"I'm just looking out for you, Boo - that's all!" Jody said, licking his lips. He was going backward on his
hands and feet, his butt dragging in the sand. He didn't like the way Boo was so excitable, squeezing the
shit out of Fay with one arm and waving the other in the air, pointing at him.
"And she told me Fay really wants me to fuck her, but you're the one who won't let me do it all the time.
You told me all day not to, I remember. I don't forget everything, Jody. You just think I do. So, if Fay
wants me to fuck her, then you ain't gonna tell me not to any more!"
"She was lying, Boo! Ask Fay for yourself! Fay, tell him! Do you want Boo to fuck you?"
"You ape! You hairy, stupid ape! Put me down! You touch me with that cock and I'll claw it off!" She
kicked and squirmed in the solid grip, gasping for air as he inadvertently crushed it from her lungs.
Boo's face crinkled up. He turned around in a circle, looking at all of them, his feeble mind overloaded
with all the confusion and the conflicting truths.
"Boo!" Tish cried, going forward to him on her knees. "Boo, listen to me! I was telling you the truth!
Didn't I just show you how a girl who likes you should treat you? Didn't I just suck your big, beautiful
prick and let you blow in my mouth? Did I complain, Boo? Did I complain on the boat when you blew
up my pussy all those wonderful times?"
"Naw, miss!" he cried, his rolling eyes finally settling on her.
"That's how a girl should treat you when she likes you, Boo. And you said Fay likes you, didn't you?
You know she does, don't you, Boo?"
"Yeah! Yeah, she likes me!"
"Then she wants you to blow in her pussy and up her ass and in her mouth and everywhere, Boo! Do it!"
"You bitch!" Fay screamed. "Damn you! You've got everything all twisted up!"
Tish looked into Fay's frantic face as she dangled from Boo's meaty arm. She grinned savagely and
whispered: "I hope he rips you open, you cruel bitch!" She reached for Boo's prick and opened her
mouth and sucked it as far in as it would go, nearly dislocating her jaw again.
"Awwwww, boy!" Boo grunted. "I'm gonna blow again, miss!"
Tish jerked her mouth back quickly. "In Fay's soft pussy, Boo!" she cried. "In Fay's soft ass!"
"Yeah! Yeah!" he gasped, throwing Fay to the ground. She landed on her belly. That was all right with
Boo. He got to his knees like a lumbering giant and straddled her ass, trying to dip his raging, trembling
cock down.
Fay screamed and beat the ground with her fists. "KERMITT!" she cried.
Boo drooled from his lower lip. He looked down and knew he was going to realize the dream at last. He
was going to blow in Fay's ass and hold her tight and hug her and maybe blow in her three or four times
before he put his prick in her cunt and blew there, too.
His prick angled down, and he fell forward over her small, slender body, his bulk completely covering
her. A shrill shriek ripped from her lips as the giant cock tore up her asshole and blew wads of sperm
into her immediately.
Tish watched with a certain horror, a certain memory that seemed to come from a long time ago in the
dim past. She waited for Fay to cry out again, for the slender body to shudder with orgasm under the
mountain of pumping, fucking flesh that was Boo's orgasming body. She would have to moan. It was
impossible not to come when there was a big prick being raped up your ass - she knew. Suzy knew. It
was impossible not to.
Fay didn't moan. Boo grunted and blew again. Kermitt fell to his knees and sobbed.
"Sis! My sister! You let him fuck you! You promised me you wouldn't let him fuck you! God, I want to
die, Fay! That was my asshole - all mine! You promised, Fay!"
Suzy clung to her brother, watching the fierce rape. She shivered. She wondered how she could ever
have let her pussy twitch heatedly at the sight of that monstrous cock. She wondered what private hell
her mother had gone through with it rammed and locked up her dainty little pussy - and in her small
Jody wasn't as awed as the rest of them. There was only one thing in his mind right then, and that was
the .38 under his piled pants. Hell, he'd seen Boo fuck some broad before.
He'd been saddled with the big slob long enough. Boo had outlived his usefulness. When you dealt with
drug smuggling, you needed an ape like Boo for protection.
But he'd defied Jody once too often. It was getting to be a strong habit, and it would get worse. There
was only one thing to do about Boo.
Jody scrabbled for the gun. He held it in his fist. He went toward Boo and lifted it.
"No!" Suzy cried, wondering if she'd been the only one to see Jody's movements. They were all
watching Boo and Fay - all except Captain Elsworth, and he wasn't in the circle of light any more, having
finally slipped away during the fight.
Boo heard her cry. He lifted up and turned around and saw Jody. He grinned broadly, truly happy at
last, now that he'd fucked Fay.
The smile left his face just as orange flame spurted from the end of the barrel and the night was filled with
Boo grunted. He blinked. He lifted his body off Fay, his wet prick sucking her asshole nearly inside out.
He looked down at his belly.
"Jody, that burns!" he whined.
Jody shot him again, making him grunt.
"Jody, you're shooting me!" Boo whimpered, struggling to his feet, weaving slightly. "Awwwww, Jody -
don't shoot me no more! I just wanted to fuck her awful bad, Jody!"
"Die, you fucking ape!" Jody gasped, backing away from him as Boo took one step and then another,
blood oozing from the holes drilled through the layer upon layer of muscle and fat.
Jody squeezed off two more shots. The bullets whumped into Boo's heavy body, making him jerk and
twist with the impact.
"Junk!" Jody cried, looking at the gun with total astonishment. "Goddamn peashooter junk!" He
squeezed off the last two shots frantically, sending the lead pellets whizzing past the big target into the
Terror etched his face as Boo kept coming toward him. Then, just as Jody was about to turn and flee
from the unkillable beast before him, Boo dropped heavily to his knees with a grunt.
"Awwww, Jody - I feel funny," he said. "Jody, help me - I don't feel good, Jody . . ."
He stopped talking. His mouth worked. He turned one way and then the other as if to get some
explanation of what was happening to him. His eyes glazed. They dropped. He weaved forward and
back and forward again, and then he fell like a log, back stiff, arms at his sides, right onto his face, his
small features punching holes in the bed of sand.
Jody licked his lips and looked at Boo for a long moment. He took one step forward. He didn't trust
Boo. Boo could be playing a game.
He heard a sound behind him and whirled around, half expecting to see Boo somehow loom from the
darkness. Instead, he saw Captain Elsworth's leathery, bewhiskered face grimacing with the pain his
twisted torso was giving him.
The twist came undone with speed and force, the arms swinging. Clutched tightly in the broad, stubby
hands was a lead-weighted fish billy. The end of it made a horizontal arc beginning behind the old man's
back and ending with smashing brilliance at the side of Jody's head, and it was the last sensation Jody
would ever know.
Kermitt sobbed hysterically, bobbing up and down over his sister. His hands scooped under her body
and lifted, hugging her to him. Her spine bent in a way it shouldn't have, and her head and arms flopped
across his lap, and he yowled with an agonizing sound again.
After a long while, they watched him pick up his sister and carry her dangling body to their boat. They
didn't stop him. They let him start up and go out into the night.
The engine was a distant gnat sound when they heard it stop. They waited a long time. They didn't hear it
start up again.
Captain Elsworth sighed heavily. Matt wanted to help him, but he shook his head. "They need you in
there, son. Go aboard and wait. I'll manage all right."
Matt went aboard. He watched the old man laboriously drag bundle after bundle from the tent to the
water's edge and cut it open and let the contents drift away on the tide. Then there were two more
bundles. He pulled them into water that came to his waist. He didn't cut them open. He let them float
and waded ashore, wincing and grimacing with effort, as if the pain were punishment enough for what he
was doing.
He finally came aboard and started the engines and guided the boat through the shallow water. Matt
looked back. The island was in the wash of the rising moon. It looked pure and clean again.
Tish came out of the cabin. She hugged her son, then looked into his face. "Take the wheel, Matt," she
said softly.
Captain Elsworth didn't argue. He gave Matt the course and let Tish lead him into the cabin. Suzy came
out. She shut the door behind her and sat in the seat close to her brother, their arms around one another.
After a time, they heard Captain Elsworth moan from the cabin. They heard their mother emit a soft,
breathy, shuddering sigh of release.
She came out of the cabin a short time later, stepping softly, a sweet smile on her face. The children
looked at each other, knowing. She hugged and kissed them both, letting the clean, warm breeze blow
through her hair.
"He's asleep now," she said, still smiling, content with life again.
* * *
"David!" Tish chirped happily. "What are you doing here! You're supposed to be in Miami!"
"Short meeting," he said, looking at his wife. He watched his children come into the cottage behind her,
letting in the sunlight and then blocking it off again. "I thought you were out fishing this afternoon. Didn't
you go? Oh, Tish - didn't you?"
She came up to him and curled her arms around his neck. She lifted her face and kissed his lips, pressing
her body against his.
"We went," she said, smiling secretively.
"Well, did you catch anything?" he asked, eyeing her with puzzlement, looking over her shoulder to his
children for help. They gave him none.
"Mm-hmm," she hummed, her eyes sparkling. "I caught myself."
"Come here, darling, and I'll show you what I mean." She pulled him toward the bedroom. He grinned
crookedly at his children but didn't argue. He went inside. He turned around and saw her at the doorway.
"Later, children," she said to them. "Much later."
"Later, what?" David asked.
"You'll see, darling," she said, clicking the door shut.
Suzy and Matt stood outside. They looked at each other and smiled happily. "I can't stand it," Suzy
whispered, tiptoeing to the door and putting her ear to it. Matt followed her.
"Tish!" David gasped. "Oh, God - Tish! Honey, what happened? Oh, the hell with what happened! You
beautiful angel, come here!"
The children listened. Matt pressed his stiffening cock against his sister's ass. She wriggled it against him
and hummed softly.
"Tish!" their father gasped again. "Tish, I-"
"Do it, David! Up my ass! All the way, darling! Just for you! Just so you know it's finally over!"
"Give me - oh, there! Push! Ahhhh, yes! Push! Ahhhhgh!"
"My God! Ohhhhh, honey, my God!"
"Ahhhhh, so quickly, David! Feel it squeeze? Oh, darling - darling! I'm going to come! God, I'm going to
come! Flood my ass, David!"
"Yes! Yes!"
"Yaaaaaaah! God! God!"
Suzy turned and looked into her brother's eyes. She licked her lips. Her cunt was sweltering. She put
her hand on his cock and felt the stiffness in his pants.
"You never finished sucking my cock off in that pretty mouth, Sis."
"You never finished sucking my cunt, either."
His brow wrinkled. "I never started," he said.
She giggled softly. "You're going to - right now!"
They hurried into her bedroom, stripping off their clothing, holding each other on the bed. Matt got over
her, his face at her pussy, his eyes gazing into the pinkness between her spread thighs.
"Beautiful!" he gasped.
"And hot! Ohhhhh, Matt! Fuck your cock into my mouth!"
He lowered his trembling prick. She took it in her fingers and opened her mouth. It slid to the back of
her throat just as his lips covered her whole twat and his tongue fucked up into her cunt and twirled there.
It was like a cock in her. She closed her eyes and imagined it was her father's prick already, just the way
her mother promised she could have it fucking into her sweet young pussy a little later.
She sucked on her brother's prick and felt the first threatening bucks, and she opened her throat to
receive his sweet, spurting load of cum. She lifted her hips and shuddered, her cunt squeezing around
his tongue, and then she began swallowing and swallowing, humming as she did.
The End

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