Erotic Book - HEARTS AND HANDCUFFS( Sunset Point by Erika Reed)

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Erotic Book - HEARTS AND HANDCUFFS( Sunset Point by Erika Reed)

Post by sexy » 11 May 2016 22:48


Sunset Point


Copyright © 2013



Off the coast of Florida, surrounded by sand and sea, there lies a secluded island that has a very interesting history and an even more intriguing present…

Sunset Point Island is a tropical Mecca, consisting of a quaint town, a lavish resort area, and a top-grade security force that keeps its wealthy inhabitants safe. But there is more to Sunset Point than first meets the eye. Founded by those seeking a haven for their unusual lifestyles, this island is a place where ménage relationships are cherished and protected. Closed off from the outside world, Sunset Point is a place of fantasies…won’t you come join us?

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Re: Erotic Book - HEARTS AND HANDCUFFS( Sunset Point by Erika Reed)

Post by sexy » 11 May 2016 22:49

Chapter One

Amber Green sat on the front of the bow of the Sunset Point Ferry and breathed in the fresh air of the salty ocean water that sparkled off the glistening sea before her. As Amber sat on the bow, the ferry would often hit a wave, which would cause salt water to splash against her cheek. She didn’t even bother to wipe off the wetness. Instead, she just enjoyed basking in the sunlight.

Amber chose a bench against the railing and rested her head as she closed her eyes in complete contentment. The ferry was the main transportation for Sunset Point for everyone and everything, coming and going. She couldn’t believe how clean and fresh the salt water smelled or how crystal clear the blue water was. She knew for a fact that she wasn’t in Chicago anymore just by the peacefulness and the tranquility of the sea. There was something in the air she noticed as the ferry embarked closer to Sunset Point that seemed so refreshing and exotic. Everything about this experience to Amber was exciting and exhilarating. She was never more thrilled to start a fresh new beginning than once she arrived at Sunset Point Island. This was the beginning of Amber Green’s first chapter of her new life.

As she sat on the bench of the ferry, Amber rested her eyes and thought back to the reason that had caused her to head to Sunset Point in search of a new life.

Amber thought back to what seemed like just hours ago, when she had been fired from her job at the beauty salon where she worked part-time. Her boss, Patrice, had informed her that her services were no longer needed and she was relieved of her job as a hairdresser. Patrice, the ball-busting witch she worked for, had told her she was tired of the constant phone calls throughout the day from her boyfriend Charlie. She also was tired of Charlie coming into the salon harassing Amber for her tips she had made for the day so he could go drinking with his buddies at the local bar. Patrice told her that it wasn’t good for her business having her boyfriend harassing her at work all the time and she was making a business decision by firing her. Amber was actually thrilled to no longer be working for Patrice. The woman was rude and never gave Amber any decent comments when it came to her clients’ hairstyles. Amber knew she was a good stylist and tended to ignore her snarky remarks. She was constantly putting her down in front of her clients.

Good riddance.

Amber had gone home to an empty apartment that day. Charlie was most likely drinking with his buddies somewhere in a bar. That was when she came up with the idea. Enough was enough. Amber needed a change, and with her being fired today this couldn’t have come at a better time. She went to her bedroom and grabbed everything she owned, which all fit into a suitcase, and the rest went into a large carrying bag. She was just about to walk out of the bedroom when she realized she forgot to grab her favorite toys. Lately she had been using her B.O.B. more frequently since Charlie was rarely home. Sex was just okay between her and Charlie. He never wanted to try anything new. It was the same thing every time, never a thrill for either of them. Charlie got his rocks off and left her to bring herself to orgasm with her own hand or battery-operated boyfriend.

Amber opened her nightstand and grabbed her pink butt plug and favorite purple silicon vibrator. After shoving them into the side pocket of her suitcase, she then walked out of the apartment and headed for the nearest cheap motel until she had a chance to call her one true friend, Trinity.

Trinity Cross was like a sister to Amber. They were raised in the same foster home until Trinity was adopted at thirteen. Today she had a successful job working for Mac Securities. Amber had always thought that Trinity was beautiful. She had light-brown hair, hazel eyes, and an awesome body. One that Amber would kill for.

Amber decided on the cheapest motel she knew that was within walking distance. She needed to save every penny she had from now on since she no longer had a job. Once Amber checked in to the cockroach-infested dump, she sat on the dirty God-only-knows-what’s-on-this bedspread and picked up her cell and dialed Trinity’s number.

“Hey, sweetie,” Trinity said as she answered the phone. “I’ve been meaning to call you. I’m gonna have to cancel my appointment with you next week.”

“Oh, umm, that’s fine. Listen, Trinity…I’m in a little trouble.”

“What did that bastard do now? Are you okay?” Trinity asked.

“I’m leaving Charlie,” Amber said.

“Hell yes! About damn time!” Trinity exclaimed. “I’m toasting his ass good-bye right now.”

Amber let out a weak laugh. “I know you never liked him…and I guess you were right. I just saw it too late. He…he got me fired today.”

Trinity gasped. “What? That’s bullshit. You’re one of the best fucking hairdressers at that place!”

“Thanks. Charlie was calling me on my cell, but I was with a client so I didn’t answer. Then he started calling the main line, demanding to speak to me, and well, you know how my manager is…”

“You mean the queen bitch of the world, Patrice?”

“Yeah, her. Anyways, she told me that she couldn’t have people thinking they could get personal calls at the main desk, so she fired me. When I got home Charlie wasn’t there, so I packed my stuff up and left. Oh, god. Trinity, I lost my job. What am I going to do? I don’t even care about Charlie. How sad is that?”

“Fuck him. Don’t worry, sweetie. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Do you think I could stay with you for a few days? I just need to figure out what I’m going to do. I was thinking maybe I should move, start somewhere fresh—”

“Oh my god, this is perfect! Come here! Hold on one sec—” Amber could hear Trinity talking to someone in the background. “Hey, Max. You can get my friend Amber a job as a hairstylist in the spa, right?”

“Ah, I suppose so. But what are her credentials?” she heard the man say.

“She does my hair.” Amber heard her friend snap.

“Well, then. She’s hired,” said the man.

Amber grinned to herself. Trinity had always been a take-no-shit-from-anyone gal. “Amber? I’m on an island off the coast of Florida called Sunset Point. It would be perfect for you! I got you a job at the Palace Resort and Spa.”

“Holy crap! How in the world did you do that?”

“I’m sitting with the owner right now. Where are you right now?”

Amber paused on the phone. “I found a hotel close by my old place—”

“Which is probably a shithole.” Trinity cut her off. “Listen, this is what we’re going to do. I want you to text me the name and room number of your hotel. Stay there until a guy named Moretti comes to get you. He’ll take you over to my apartment for the night then have someone drive you to O’Hare airport tomorrow, where you’ll catch a flight to Florida. You’ll have to take the ferry over to the island.”

“Wait, wait! Trinity, I can’t afford to—”

“Sure you can. Your ticket will be waiting for you at the airport. All you need is some money for the ferry. Do you have enough for that?”

“Well, yes. But I—”

“Good. Once you’re here I’ll either pick you up or have a car sent to get you. Promise me you won’t open the door to anyone but Moretti.”

Amber let out an aggravated sigh. “Trinity, you’re like a bulldozer.”

Trinity laughed. “And that surprises you? Amber, promise me.”

“I promise.”

“Good. Now pack up your shit and get moving, girl. Welcome to your new life. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The ferry horn blew and brought her back to reality. Amber sat up in the bench she was seated in and looked at the beautiful, exotic island that she would now call home. As she looked at the tropical paradise before her, she could see the white sandy beach that was surrounded by crystal-blue water.

Amber looked over her shoulder as she saw other tourists taking pictures of the two dolphins that were diving in the water beside the ferry. She couldn’t wait to dig her toes in the sand and step into the cool ocean water.

Amber noticed as the ferry ventured closer to the docks that there were numerous ski boats, fishing vessels, and a few boats that could have been yachts. Sunset Point was a striking and colorful island. There were large trees strategically placed around the grounds surrounding large colorful bushes, and planters were sprinkled as far as she could see. As the ferry grew closer to the island of Sunset Point, Amber could smell the faint aroma of the tropical flowers that fermented the salty clear-blue skies.

As soon as they permitted her, Amber picked up the only suitcase she had with her and her large bag that contained the rest of her belongings. Everything she owned was in these two bags. Amber exited the ferry with all the other patrons as they made their way toward the island.

At the end of the dock there was a man holding a sign with her name on it. Amber walked toward him.

“Excuse me, sir. I am Amber Green.”

“Ms. Green. I was asked by hotel management to escort you to the Palace Resort and Spa. Ms. Cross told me to tell you it was her idea.”

That made Amber snicker. “Yes well, my dear sweet friend Trinity does know how to get her way, doesn’t she?”

“Ms. Cross is definitely set in her ways, ma’am.” He smiled and then took her suitcase from her hands and said, “Please follow me to the car so we can get you settled in to the hotel.” The large six foot, ginormous, attractive blond driver walked ahead of her as she followed him to the black sleek town car that was a few feet away. The driver then opened the trunk and placed her suitcase inside. He then opened the rear door for her as she entered the luxurious car.

While on the ferry, Amber overheard some patrons talking as they stood beside her. She heard a man say that Sunset Point was about eight hundred square miles, not even as large as Rhode Island. There were only about twenty thousand people that populated this very private and exclusive island. After listening to their conversation, Amber had grown more interested and fascinated with Sunset Point.

The Palace Resort and Spa was a truly extraordinary sight. They had driven up to the resort on a deserted road lined with the rainforest on either side until the striking structure came into view. Rising over the treetops, with the sea at its back, Amber thought of an exotic palace with a contemporary appeal.

When Amber entered the lobby she was amazed. It was simply breathtaking.

“Ma’am?” someone asked from behind her as she stood staring at the magnificent lobby. She turned and faced a man who was dressed in an expensive business suit. “May I help you to check in?”

“Oh, yes. I’m sorry. I was just in awe of how beautiful your hotel is. Yes, I need to check in. My name is Amber Green.”

His smile broadened. “Ahh yes, Ms. Green. We have been expecting you.” He then snapped his fingers toward the bellhop. “Please take Ms. Green’s luggage for her, and I will let you know what suite she is in so you may take them to her room for her.”

“Oh please, don’t bother. I can carry them for myself.

“Nonsense. If you will just follow me, I will have you checked in within no time.”

Amber couldn’t believe the suite they had set her up in. This was one of the nicest places she had ever stayed in. This was more like a miniaturized version of a condo than a hotel room. Amber placed her bag on the chair as she went further into the room for a better look. As she walked toward the large floor-to-ceiling windows she noticed the large, open living room with a full kitchen and a bedroom off to the side. Amber couldn’t believe she was going to be staying here. She felt guilty, almost out of place if she were to stay here. Amber kept telling herself that Trinity was just helping her out and as soon as she found a job she was going to find a place to rent on the island.

As she looked out her window, she noticed the pool below. Maybe she would have a chance to sneak down and take a dip in the inviting pool. Amber heard her phone ring in her purse. She ran to the chair where her purse was and answered it.

“Hi, sweetie.”

“Hi, Trinity! Oh my gosh, why am I staying in such a nice suite? I don’t need to be staying in a room like this. This room even has a full kitchen. Can’t I stay in a normal room—”

Trinity laughed. “Slow down, Amber. You should see the owner’s suite I’m staying in. That place will make your suite look like a Cracker Jack box. Listen, honey, get your shit and come meet me and some friends at a bar in town. I’m declaring a girl’s night.”

“Trinity, I don’t know about going out on my first night here. Couldn’t you and I just go out and have dinner together?” Amber asked.

“Nope. You’re meeting me at the Kraken’s Cave tonight, and I don’t want to hear another word. I know you could use a drink after what you’ve been through and I know I can after the day I’ve had.”

Amber knew she was going to lose this battle whenever Trinity got all badass on her and everything. Trinity was the stronger one of the two of them. Amber tended to let people push her around and tell her what to do. People always told her she was too nice and needed to grow a backbone.

Amber sighed. “Okay. What time should I be downstairs?”

“There should be a rental car for you downstairs. Just go to the front desk and give your name. They should have the keys, and they’ll give you directions. See you soon.”

Amber looked at the phone after her friend hung up and sighed.

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Re: Erotic Book - HEARTS AND HANDCUFFS( Sunset Point by Erika Reed)

Post by sexy » 11 May 2016 22:50

Chapter Two

Amber showed up downstairs in the hotel lobby and retrieved the keys that Trinity told her would be waiting for her. It was a sporty little car that she liked very much and couldn’t wait to drive. Amber noticed it was a short drive to the tavern. She probably could have walked there, as it was a short distance from the hotel.

The front of the Kraken’s Cave sign was marked with an image of a tentacle monster dragging a ship to its doom beneath the sea.

Amber noticed when she walked in the entrance there was a large statue of the same ship, only this one was four feet tall. Beyond the statue, the space opened to reveal a décor of gleaming wood and polished brass. The stools and booths were all upholstered in sailcloth, and there was a nautical theme to the entire pub, right down to the heavy ropes that encased the base of every stool. Kraken’s Cave was decorated very tastefully. Amber noted that she wouldn’t change a thing if she could about this pub.

Amber looked around the place and saw Trinity sitting at a table, trying to get her attention. Amber wove her way through the tables and chairs as she walked into Trinity’s embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Amber,” Trinity said against Amber’s ear as they hugged. “You doing okay?”

“I am now. Trinity, I don’t know how I can ever repay you. After my job interview tomorrow at the hotel spa, I’m going to go out apartment hunting. I can’t keep accepting your generosity. First the plane ticket, now that massive suite? I’ll pay you back and—”

“Hell no, you won’t! Hon, I was happy to help you.”

“And Mr. King…I don’t know how to thank him for giving me this interview within even knowing me—”

Trinity waved her hand in the air, “Don’t worry about Maxwell King. Just knock their socks off at the interview tomorrow at the salon and get the job. Now, sit and order a drink.”

Trinity took the time to introduce everyone to Amber, and the waitress came to the table and took Amber’s drink order. Amber listened while Trinity gave a brief explanation to everyone of how she knew Amber from foster care back in Chicago. “So, when I was thirteen I was boosting this car and—”

Gaby gasped and choked on her drink. “You were stealing a car?”

Trinity grinned. “Trying to, and I would have been successful if the owner of the car hadn’t caught me. He was an agent for Homeland Security.”

“Oh my god!” Lexa exclaimed, leaning forward, cupping her drink. “What did he do?”

“He adopted me.”

“That’s so awesome!” Gaby said. “Oh, there’s Quinn!” She waved her arms in the air and an extremely pregnant Latino beauty with black hair and dark-brown eyes hurried over to the table.

“This really is a girl’s night out! Hi, everyone! I’m Quinn.”

Lexa eyed the pregnant woman like a bomb ready to go off as Quinn slowly lowered herself into a chair next to her. “Oh wow, you’re…”

Quinn laughed. “Big as a whale? Don’t I know it. I’m ready to pop any day now. My husbands were complaining that I was working earlier.”

“Husbands?” Amber asked, not sure if she heard the other woman right.

“Yes. Me and my three husbands own Mama Lupe’s down the street.”

Amber’s eyes widened. “Did you just say three husbands? You’re married to three men?”

Gaby laughed. “Oh yeah. Honey, hasn’t anyone told you about Sunset Point Island before you came here?”

“No. Obviously, some things were left out.” Amber glared at Trinity, who simply grinned at her.

Since Gaby and Quinn had grown up on the island, Gaby explained the brief history of the island being founded by those seeking a haven for their unusual lifestyles. Over the years the island had become a place where ménage relationships were cherished and protected.

“So, what brought you to the island, Lexa?” Gaby asked before taking a sip of her drink.

“I was actually born here, too, but I haven’t been back here in more than twenty years.” Lexa paused for a drink before explaining further. “My mom took off one night, just grabbed me and ran. She always called this place the island of sin, sex, and wickedness. Now I’ve come to think it wasn’t this place, it was her illness. My mother’s a schizophrenic, and I guess something got all messed up inside her head about Sunset Point and my dad…and their lover.”

Lexa sighed. “I only found out today that my parents were in a ménage relationship. They were all going to get married and then…poof. Mom bolted. Now she’s hospitalized, my father’s dead, and I’ve inherited a marina and a fucking trust fund I never knew existed.”

The women at the table stared at Lexa for a moment in silence, not knowing what to say. Lexa glanced at Trinity and gave her a lopsided grin. “I just found out about the trust today. Now you know why I could really use a damned drink, or six, and that was before my employee started trying to hit on me.”

“Well, welcome back to the island. Drink up, honey,” Gaby said with an understanding smile. “Take a break from all of that and have a little fun tonight.”

“Trust me when I say I’m looking forward to it,” Lexa agreed.

The women ordered another round, enjoying each other’s company. It felt good hanging out with a group of women who were so different than her, yet surprisingly similar. They all had spicy wit, a wealth of entertaining stories to share, and solid gold hearts.

As the other women continued to talk, Amber watched and listened to their conversations. She thought how nice it was to be included in this fun evening with all these interesting women and their exciting lives. For years, Amber had wanted to be able to go out and have a girl’s night with good friends and talk about their lives and the men they were dating. Trinity would get together whenever they could, but Amber only really had Trinity as a true friend she could always trust and to be there when she needed her.

Maybe coming to the tavern to meet Trinity and her friends she’d met on the island was a positive thing, meant to expand her life in the right direction. Something she had always longed for. Friends. Friends that she could hang out with and have a few drinks and maybe go shopping or get their nails done. Amber never liked to bother Trinity with her clusterfuck of a life she was living while in Chicago. Trinity was fun and sexy and never took shit from anyone. Amber had always looked up to her friend.

“So, Trinity,” Gaby began. “What’s up with you and the very delicious Lieutenant Stone?”

Reece choked on her drink and coughed. “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. I’m so sorry about the other night.”

“What happened the other night?” Lexa asked.

Trinity snorted out a laugh. “Reece caught me and Jackson in the alley behind her shop.”

“You…” Gaby burst out laughing. “Oh my god. I can’t wait to tell my guys about this!”

“Speak of the devil and he shall appear…” Lexa said slowly as she looked at Trinity. “I know you wanted to take a break from your guys, but I think your time just ran out.”

Amber turned to look at who they were talking about. “Who is the other guy, Trinity?” Amber asked.

“That is Maxwell King, ass extraordinaire. The other man is Lieutenant Jackson Stone of the Sunset Police Department.”

Amber noticed that both men were very attractive. Amber eyed her friend. Has Trinity finally found someone or even two men that have captured her attention? Amber never thought that one man could handle her. Now she knew that it would actually take two to break down her barriers if she ever wanted to fall in love with someone. This was going to be interesting to watch unfold. Amber couldn’t wait to see Trinity finally fall in love.

“He does have an exceptional ass,” Lexa murmured. “Oops, I guess the alcohol is kicking in.”

“Good. Have another,” Reece said, looking around for their waitress.

“Next round is on me,” Trinity said as she stood, heading toward the opposite end of the bar from where Jackson and Maxwell were sitting, glaring at her.

Amber watched as Trinity walked to the bar and ordered drinks for the table. The bartender was obviously flirting with her as well as looking down her low-cut shirt. Trinity was a beautiful woman that could get anything or anyone she wanted.

It was obvious that Maxwell and Jackson weren’t happy with the men flirting with Trinity at the bar. That was when Amber watched as the two men walked up and said something to the man at the bar. Trinity didn’t look happy with Maxwell and Jackson. It didn’t appear that they really gave a shit to Amber. Amber knew this was going to be interesting to watch.

Trinity was obviously pissed. Her hands were on her hips as she got in their faces to give them a piece of her mind. Jackson then grabbed her arm as he leaned in to say something to her that Amber couldn’t make out.

Trinity sighed and allowed herself to be pulled along in Jackson’s wake as Maxwell grabbed hold of her other hand, holding it as if they were out for a casual stroll instead of them dragging her out of the bar. Trinity then turned to shoot a grin at the table of rowdy women as they called out to her.

“Give ‘em hell, Trinity!” Lexa shouted.

“Do you need some cupcakes to take home with you to sweeten them up?” Reece asked with a wink.

“I don’t think they need any more incentives. They look like they’re going to eat her alive,” Quinn said with a chuckle.

“Don’t let them push you around, honey!” Gaby called out.

Amber laughed then surprised them all when she said, “Oh, you guys have a thing or two to learn about Trinity. Don’t hurt them too much, honey! Go easy on them! They are just men after all!”

“I make no promises!” Trinity called back to her friends right before she was yanked out the door.

Amber had always hoped that her friend would find a good guy to settle down with. From the looks of it, Trinity had obviously found two. Amber couldn’t wait to see if Jackson and Maxwell could tame Trinity enough to claim her. Only time would tell.

* * * *

“Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to interview for a hairdresser in this beautiful spa, Ms. Randell.”

“Please, Amber, call me Holly. Oh, honey, I am in desperate need of a good stylist. My last girl had been here for five years before she met a tourist in the hotel and ran off with him to get married.”

Holly Randell was a well taken care of, middle-aged woman in her late forties. She had long curly, blonde hair and blue eyes. Holly was a petite little thing about the same height to Amber’s five-foot-four frame. Amber noticed she wore a wedding band on her left hand.

“I noticed in your resume you have been doing hair for more than five years now. Very impressive, I may say. You look so young for doing hair that long,” Holly said from her office chair as she leaned over her desk to look at the paper Amber had brought with her.

“Yes, ma’am. I started working in that very same salon when I was seventeen. I started out doing odd jobs, and that was when I figured out that I wanted to be a hairdresser. I have always enjoyed doing hair. I also know how to do nails if you need me to.”

“That’s good to know, Amber. I am pleased looking at your resume. Do you mind if I call your references?”

“You mean all two of them?” Amber giggled. “I need to tell you that the reason I was fired from my last job was because of my ex-boyfriend. That’s the main reason why he is my ex. He always took all my tips I earned for the day and spent them at the bar. Charlie always called and harassed me on the phone, whether it was on my cell phone or on the salon’s phone. Patrice, my ex-boss, got fed up with it and decided to fire me because of him.” Amber leaned forward in her chair to get closer to Holly. “I really love doing hair, and I’m damn good at it. Indulgence is a beautiful spa, and I would love for the chance to work here. She didn’t fire me because I was a lousy hairdresser. She fired me because of my ex.”

“Why didn’t you fight her on your dismissal? She can’t really fire you because of him.”

“In a way I was relieved she did. That made me realize that I wasn’t about to let Charlie ruin anymore of my life, and I was tired of Patrice being so mean and nasty to me in front of my clients. That’s when I called my friend Trinity, and she told me to come here to Sunset Point and that Mr. King would give me a chance to apply here in the Palace Hotel.”

Holly stood from her chair. “Well let’s go have you wash and style my hair and see what you can do with this mess I have today. If I like it, I will let you work on the next client that walks into Indulgence Spa.”

Amber stood and beamed from excitement. “Really? Oh thank you, Holly. I promise you won’t regret giving me this opportunity.”

* * * *

Reid Sullivan had just finished up a meeting in the restaurant and was walking through the lobby of the Palace Hotel, headed toward the valet to leave and head home. Reid rarely left his villa on the island. He hated it when he had to leave the comfort of his secluded villa.

When Reid’s parents died, they left him very well taken care of at the age of twenty. Reid was born and raised on Sunset. After the tragic death of his parents in a plane crash on one of their annual trips to Europe, Reid inherited millions of dollars that he could never imagine spending in ten lifetimes.

Reid had thought losing his parents at such a young age was the worst thing he had ever encountered. Nothing could compare to the loss of burying his wife after only being married for eight months. Reid had met Lorena while on vacation in Florida. After only a month of knowing one another, they had decided to get married. Reid had been twenty-seven and Lorena was only twenty-four at the time.

Reid no longer had a zest for life since the death of his wife. It seemed that his pretty little wife had a few of her own hidden secrets she had been hiding from him that Reid later found out after her death.

Reid found it difficult to trust women after Lorena’s death. Whenever he had the urge to bed a woman, Reid only used them for his pleasure and never anything more. His heart had turned to stone after the woman he thought he was planning on spending the rest of his life with had shattered it for anyone else in the future. Reid was referred to by some of the women he bed as a cold, heartless bastard that didn’t give a shit about women’s feelings. He never promised them anything. He always told them the truth. Reid only wanted a casual fuck from them and nothing more.

Reid loved his private, exotic oasis on the other side of the island. He enjoyed his privacy away from the tourists. There was no need to venture from his place. It was relatively quiet on that side of the island. Reid was an independent computer programmer that bid his time creating video games. Companies tended to seek him out in search of the latest video technology. Reid was a wealthy man that didn’t need to work. He enjoyed inventing new video games. Reid did it out of sheer pleasure, not for the money.

If it weren’t for his live-in housekeeper, Esmie, going to Garrison’s for groceries or picking up after him, he would be a lonely guy in his large villa. Sometimes Reid found himself getting so lost in front of his computer that if it weren’t for Esmie, he wouldn’t eat or even sometimes sleep. Sleep was another distraction that Reid tried to avoid. Sleep was overrated in his book. Reid had demons that seemed to plague his dreams when it came to his deceased wife whenever he closed his eyes.

Two days ago Esmie received a frantic call from her daughter in Florida, asking for help with her children while she stayed with her husband at the hospital as he recovered from a heart attack. Reid honored her request and prayed that Esmie wouldn’t be gone too long. Esmie had asked to take two weeks off, and Reid graciously accepted her wish.

Now Reid was left without a housekeeper and thought to himself that he probably should call around to the agencies to inquire about a temporary one until Esmie returned.

Please let her return.

Reid started walking by the front desk and overheard two women talking. All he could hear was the voice of an angel. Reid pulled his phone from his pocket and pretended to look at his messages just so he could get a look at the woman who had caused his dick to go hard. That’s when he saw her. This woman had long auburn hair to the middle of her back, in long, wavy curls. Her hair was parted down the middle, and he noticed her hair never slipped into her eyes. It was styled perfectly. She had on a short, form-fitting white skirt, and a form-fitted cowl neck teal-colored top. This outfit showed all her hips and curves. This woman wasn’t Reid’s usual type of woman he tended to gravitate to. There was something about this short, curvy woman that drew his attention. He could clearly hear the conversation she was having with the other female employee.

“Do you happen to know of any apartments for rent around here, Nina?”

“There may be one two bedroom for rent in my complex.”

“What’s the rent on your place?” the beautiful woman asked the other lady.

Reid didn’t catch how much she told her, but it must have been more than she thought because the woman’s eyes grew large and her mouth dropped open.

“I can’t afford rent like that. I just got hired in the spa as a hairdresser, and even if I were to find another part-time job here on the island, I still don’t think I could afford to rent it. I can’t keep living here for free. I feel like a freeloader. I need to start looking for another part-time job here on the island, one where I can actually live and not kill myself over.”

That gave Reid an idea. He stood from the chair he was seated in and started to walk over to where the women were talking. Nina excused herself from the other woman and started walking the opposite way. The beautiful auburn beauty turned to walk away and almost collided with Reid. He then braced her shoulders so she didn’t lose her balance.

“Whoa there, ma’am.”

The woman stared at Reid’s chest as her eyes followed all the way up until she found his eyes. He could tell she was as spellbound with his looks as he was with hers. She stared at his lips before looking into his eyes like she wanted to get lost in them.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. I apologize,” she said before taking a step back. “Now if you will excuse me, I have something I have to tend to.”

Reid caught her hand before she walked away. “Please wait. I am ashamed to say that I was eavesdropping on your conversation as you were talking with the employee.” Reid watched as her eyes grew wide. “Now hear me out before you bitch me out for listening in. I overheard you say that you were looking for a place to stay as you looked for a part-time job. Are you working here in the hotel?”

The woman placed a hand on her hip and said, “Yes. Tomorrow is my first day as a hairdresser at the spa. Why do you ask?”

“My name is Reid Sullivan,” he said as he reached out to shake her hand.

She extended her hand. “Amber Green.”

Amber Green. That name suits her with her amazing long auburn hair and green eyes. God, she was even more beautiful up close. Amber had these plump, luscious lips and almond-shaped green eyes. She was exquisite.

“Ms. Green, I am sorry if I may be so forward, but I hear you may be looking for a place to stay?”

Amber took a step back. “And how is that any of your business, Mr. Sullivan?” she said as she quirked an eyebrow at him.

He shook his head. Amber was in defense mode as she folded her arms under her ample breasts.

Reid was beginning to like this little feisty woman. “Please call me Reid. I have an offer I wanted to run by you.”

Amber tilted her head to the side. “Go on. I’m listening.”

“See, I have this proposition for you that may benefit the both of us in return. I own a villa on the island. My live-in housekeeper, Esmie, took a leave of absence for a few weeks to help out her daughter on the mainland, and I am left without a replacement. My offer to you is free room and board. In return, you keep up the house and cook meals for me as well.”

Just then Holly walked out of the spa and smiled at him as she walked toward them.

“Hello, Reid. I see you have met my new hairdresser, Amber.”

Reid smiled. “Yes. We just met.”

“Reid, I must say it’s almost time for you to come in for a trim. And maybe you could get a massage from one of the girls while you’re here,” Holly said as she looked at him.

“Holly, please assure Ms. Green that I am not an axe murderer, and she can trust me as I have graciously offered her room and board if she accepts my temporary offer to be my housekeeper until Esmie returns. I believe she doubts I can make it worth her while in compensation.”

Holly looked to Amber. “Amber, I think you would be a fool to pass up Reid’s gracious offer. I guarantee that Reid is an upstanding, lifetime resident of Sunset Point. You are nowhere near in danger. Reid is one of the nicest men on this island. You will be in good hands with him. You have my word.”

Amber looked to the both of them before saying, “Okay. I will take the job and place to stay for two weeks until your housekeeper returns. Hopefully by then I will have found a second job and a place to rent. Do you need to call your wife and tell her you have found a temporary replacement for your housekeeper?”

“I don’t need to call and ask anyone, Ms. Green. I am a widower.”

“Oh. I am sorry to hear that.”

“Shall we get going now?” Reid asked, and Amber nodded.

Reid turned and faced Amber. Maybe this was the distraction he was looking for all these years. He was tired of walking around like a zombie, not going anywhere or interacting with anyone on the island. Reid had lost so many sleepless nights of rest since the night he received the phone call of his wife’s death.

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