Erotic book : Sunset Point (Tattoos and Cupcakes)

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Re: Erotic book : Sunset Point (Tattoos and Cupcakes)

Post by sexy » 13 May 2016 22:44

Chapter 8

Monday morning and Lane rolled out of bed with a start. Liz had a big function planned for the local police officers. She mentioned she did this every year for the last five. It had now become a tradition. Last night, Liz, Sami, the weekend girls, Heather, and Abigail, and herself all met at the shop and baked and decorated cupcakes until midnight. Three hundred cupcakes later, they were well on their way to showing the community and the officers at the Sunset Point precinct how much they were appreciated.

They created what Liz called the Whips and Chains Excite Me cupcake. The cake itself was made of dark chocolate with a whiskey-cherry center filled custard. It was frosted with dark chocolate buttercream and topped with sugar art handcuffs and whips Sami created. The girl was a whiz with sugar, creating realistic props for the cakes. A cordial whiskey-cherry sauce was drizzled on top with a cute maraschino cherry complete with stem. The cherry had been soaked in whiskey and set prominently in the center, cuffs and whips around it.

The creation of a new cupcake for this event each year spurred on new business Liz confided in her with a wink. The other cakes were a mixture of the local favorites. Lane made sure to make Sex on the Beach cakes, because she knew how much Dane liked them.

Lane paid careful attention to her outfit. She had done a little shopping recently and wanted to look great for this event. Her mind was on pleasing not only Dane’s eyes, but also Bannock’s. Even though he was less than friendly to her, she felt desirable around him. Since Dane had told her of his plan, she knew she needed to help make it happen. She wanted to explore the relationship as much as Dane. He had also told her about Bannock’s ex and what he had went through since the breakup. She could understand why he had trust issues, because she had them herself.

The day before, Lane had met Dane for coffee. No kissing took place, and that bummed her somewhat because the man could deliver a kiss. They had sat out in the open at a patio table to talk. It was then Dane told her about not only his past, but Bannock’s as well. Dane apologized for Bannock’s attitude toward her even though she argued it wasn’t his place. The two were very close, almost like brothers, and she respected the hell out of Bannock for being protective.

Before Dane left, he invited her to dinner tonight. She was so giddy she could barely contain her enthusiasm. Liz had been especially pleased when she told her about the date. Lane’s life and outlook was changing daily. All the loss she had suffered now seemed inconsequential. She loved the island more and more every day, especially her job at Naughty Sprinkles. The thought of leaving bothered her more than the actual departure from LA.

A new sense of enthusiasm and life had overtaken her. She was falling hard for Dane and truly wanted to explore a relationship with him and hopefully Bannock as well. The steady thump of her heart when he was near had pushed her to reevaluate life and love. Today, she vowed to not let her past dictate her feelings about her future or push her away from a man she couldn’t quit thinking about.

She put on the new sundress she bought a week ago. It fell mid-thigh, allowing her long legs to be seen. The print and style was flirty and fun. She appreciated the modesty of the top, yet the sexiness it really showcased overall.

“Ooh, very nice.” Liz commented on her dress as she walked into her room. “You ready for this?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Lane was revved up as she followed Liz down the stairs. Luther and Jed were sitting in the kitchen with bagels and cream cheese, not looking very happy about their meal.

“Sorry, you know you’re on your own today.” Liz smiled and kissed them both. “I will see you this afternoon at the station.”

“The wife owns a cupcake shop and I only get to eat a cupcake maybe once a month.” Luther complained and looked at Jed.

“Hey don’t look at me. She’s not worried about my midsection.” Jed took a big bite of his bagel.

Liz and Lane laughed and scurried out the door. Liz had borrowed the Garrison’s grocery van they used to transport goods from the ferry each week to their store. Lane loved how they all came together to help one another out. They jogged down the stairs, Liz in just as good shape as Lane. She could only hope to be as fit when she reached her age.

“Let’s get this party started.” Liz slid into the car and started it up. “This is the most enjoyable business day of the year even though I’m giving away cupcakes instead of selling them.”

They arrived at the shop and all employees were in attendance to help out. Sami, Heather and Abigail had already begun to stage the boxes of cakes at the backdoor. Lane joined in and packed extra frosting bags and decorations in case of any mishaps between the shop and the station.

A beeping at the backdoor alerted them to the arrival of the van and Liz rushed to the door to open it. “Good morning, Don.” Liz greeted him and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you so much for your help.”

Don smiled. “You had me at free cupcakes.”

Lane studied Don for a moment. She hadn’t met him before but definitely realized where Bannock’s good looks came from.

“Well, I have a special box for you. It’s on the counter with your name on it.”

“Thank you, Liz.”

The rush continued for the next hour as they carefully loaded box after box of cakes. The front of the station had been decorated by a crew Liz hired. Tables were ready and oodles of advertising for the shop awaited them. Liz checked her watch and began to move at a faster pace. Lane had never seen someone as driven toward perfection as Liz. By ten o’clock, Liz wanted to have every cake placed and ready.

When the truck was completely loaded, Liz and Don shut the back doors. “Take care of my babies.” Liz patted the backdoor of the van, making Don chuckle.

The last chore was to lock up. It was strange for Lane to put the closed sigh up on a Monday. She put another large sign in the front window stating that although closed, free cupcakes would be at the Sunset Point Police Station.

Lane got into the car with Liz while the others piled into Sami’s car. Ideally they could have walked since the station wasn’t that far, but were on a deadline that had Liz rushing.

“I’m not at all nervous, just ready to have fun.” Liz tapped the steering wheel.

They parked and met in front of the station. The crew Liz hired was ready and waiting. Every inch of the grounds laid in wait, decorated for the many Liz hoped would come down. Lane’s only worry was the sun getting too hot and melting the frosting. Liz assured her the cupcakes wouldn’t last long enough to do so. She picked up three boxes and made her way to a table and set them down. Liz followed behind each of the women, sorting the boxes and moving them to different tables. They all watched her and laughed.

Ten o’clock was nearing and people began to show up. A small stage sat at the bottom of the stairs leading to the front doors of the station, microphone and all. Lane watched as the crowd grew, all waiting for the festivities to start. At ten on the dot, Liz climbed the stairs to the stage and welcomed everyone. From inside the station, all the officers came out, looking hot in their pressed uniforms. Lane honed in on one and one only.

Bannock was a dream standing tall in his snug uniform that defined his muscled legs. His shirt molded to his chest, highlighting his wide frame and narrow waist. The sun shone down and glared off his silver cuffs hanging from his belt. She was in awe as she looked to the other hip and noticed his service revolver at attention in the holster. I get it now, I mean completely get it. I understand why a woman would desire two men.

Liz continued with her gracious thanks and introduced a woman. The petite blonde accepted the microphone and thanked everyone for coming and turned to the officers and said, “This one’s for you.” She began to sing and the audience was captivated by her voice. Lane had never heard the song and assumed it was one she wrote herself. When Lane really listened to the lyrics, she began to laugh. They said something like, “A hot man in uniform can warm my bed anytime.” The music had a country twang with an upbeat pop rhythm added. It was catchy, Lane would give her that.

The audience clapped to the beat with smiles and laughter erupting everywhere. A Monday, it was a Monday and the town was out taking a break from work to honor the police force that watched over them.

When the music ended, the crowd cheered. The officers had beaming smiles and waved as the woman exited the stage. “Who is she?” Lane asked Sami.

“Oh, her husband is the officer on the far left. Her other husband works at the resort.”

Lane knew she shouldn’t have been surprised. Most every woman there had at least two men, except her. She had none actually. People began to converge on the tables of cupcakes and Lane wasn’t sure whether to run or stay put. Liz nudged her and nodded for her to follow. She pointed to a stack of boxes and Lane picked them up. Liz had three herself. Some of the officers began to mingle with the crowd, while the rest headed back inside. Someone had to keep the station running Lane supposed.

They entered and Lane realized this was the first time she’d stepped foot in the place and with good reason. Her goal was to stay out of them. The LA police station she ran into screaming a few weeks ago now seemed more like a cesspool compared to this place. Everything was clean, organized, and surprisingly quiet. A few phones rang here and there, but nothing like the constant buzz and ear-shattering shouts that was the norm in some stations in LA, especially the one she entered. At the far end of the front office, Lane saw Bannock talking with Luther and another officer she didn’t recognize. Liz motioned for her to place the boxes on a long banquet table. Lane stumbled and nearly crashed, cupcakes in hand while not watching where she was going.

“You’re really clumsy.” Liz giggled.

“Uh, huh.” Lane didn’t look at her. Her eyes were taking Bannock in.

“Here. Take these two cupcakes over and offer him one.” Liz stuffed a cake in each of Lane’s hands. “Well, go. Shoo.”

Lane began to walk in Bannock’s direction. The room seemed to fade away and all she could see was him standing there. As she neared, Bannock and the other officer stopped and looked her direction. The officer talking with Bannock gigged him in the ribs with his elbow and Bannock responded in the same manner.

“Hi, Bannock.” Lane offered him a sweet smile. She looked down at the cakes in her hand to see what she had to offer and instantly felt her cheeks burn. “Would you like,” she paused and swallowed hard, “Sex on the Beach?” She stopped and cleared her throat. “Or Whips and Chains Excite Me?” It was then she decided to pay Liz back for the predicament she put her in. Lane knew her face must have turned three shades of red while waiting for him to reply. A smile began to curve at his lips for the first time when around her.

“Do they?”

Lane was rendered completely speechless as well as the officer standing next to Bannock whose mouth dropped open wide with surprise. Images of Bannock naked popped into her mind and wildly enough, a thick chain was draped over his erect cock. In his hand was a whip. Was it getting hot in there? “I–I, uh, yeah, they do. I mean, the cupcakes excite me.”

The officer next to Bannock escaped with a grin on his face as Lane stood helplessly under Bannock’s gaze, babbling like the town fool. “You know what. Dane says you like chocolate and coconut. Why don’t you just take both of them?” She handed him the tiny cakes and scurried away with her tail tucked under her ass.

As she hurried away, she could feel the heat of his gaze following her, heating her up from head to toes. Her fingers were tingly when she reached the table where Liz stood talking with Luther. “Seriously, Liz?” Lane couldn’t help her frustration or embarrassment. “Why couldn’t you have sent with me a lemon cream pie cake?”

“Bannock hates lemon.” Liz replied dryly with a playful grin lighting her face.

Lane face palmed her forehead. She knew she was inescapably beet red in the face. “I think I’ll go crawl under that far table over there.”

* * * *

The work day was finally over and for once lately, Bannock enjoyed it. Of course, it was at Reece’s expense. He still couldn’t get over how she blushed, and hated to admit it, but could now see why Dane was attracted to her. He felt like an ass being privy to information she was unaware of. What had happened to her and more importantly, how was she coping?

A new mystery lay in wait. It wasn’t enough for Bannock to know that Reece wasn’t a criminal. He wanted to know more. Why couldn’t he leave it alone?

When Bannock pulled into his drive, he wasn’t as worried about Reece as he had been. She and Dane were hitting it off. Whatever happened to bring her to their tiny island, she was working to move on. He hoped once the dust cleared she wouldn’t be on the first ferry off the island, leaving Dane with a broken heart in the end.

As he entered his house, he realized that Dane must talk about him with Reece. How else would she know he liked chocolate and coconut?

“Hey, how was your day?” Dane called when he heard him enter.

“I can’t complain.” Bannock tugged at his belt, released it, and hung it on the hook on the wall.

Dane came into the living room. “I see you brought some cupcakes home. What kind?”

Bannock smiled with a box of cupcakes in hand. “It seems Miss Wonderful knows I like chocolate and coconut.”

“Ah, Sex on the Beach then.” Dane grinned. The guy knew too damn much about cupcakes. “What’s the other? Mocha surprise?”

“No. Whips and Chains Excite Me.”

“They do?” Dane belted out a laugh.

“Liz is quite the comical genius.”

Bannock pulled the box back so Dane couldn’t open it. “I’m not sure I should share though.”

“Why not?” Dane made a face. “I’d share with you.”

“What else have you told Miss Wonderful?”

Dane shrugged. “I don’t know, stuff I suppose.”

“Like what?”

“Well, I told her you served in Afghanistan. She already knew your parents. Um, I told her we’ve been friends for years.”

“Is that all?” Bannock asked and decided that Dane had been working behind the scenes, still hoping to put Reece between them.

“I told her you have an enormous cock.”

Bannock belted out a loud laugh. “Liar.”

“No, you’re right. I didn’t say that.”

“Well, according to the locals, you should know.”

“Yeah, I didn’t realize we were gay until recently.” Dane again reached for the box.

“Nice.” Bannock handed the box to Dane and headed to the kitchen. “Now, why don’t you tell me what you’re up to.” He jerked open the refrigerator and pulled out a beer.

Dane followed Bannock into the kitchen. “I’m not up to anything.”


“I have dinner plans with Reece. Would you like to come?”

“I’ll pass.”

“You know you’re as attracted to her as I am.”

“Dane, I told you before, I’m not into the idea of sharing her with you.” He wanted to tell Dane what he found out, but clamped his mouth shut.

“Say what you will Bannock, but if the opportunity presented itself and she was here for the taking, you’d be all over it.”

Bannock snorted. “Go have a great time, Dane.”

* * * *

Dane felt his excitement grow as he sped away. Bannock would see and admit once and for all that he wanted Reece as much as he did. Dane could tell by his eyes when he called her Miss Wonderful. His eyes sparkled with a hint of interest.

Bannock was correct. Dane was in fact up to something all right. He’d been getting to know Reece for the last couple of weeks in hopes of finding out if she would be interested in both of them. After their rendezvous to the janitor’s closet, he found out what he yearned to know. Today Reece had melted Bannock’s force field and made an impression on him. Dane wanted this so badly it kept him up late at night. He had worked hard to charm Reece with what little he possessed. Serenfuckingdipity.

Up until now, Dane had tried to be the utmost gentleman, but when Reece whispered, “Get me out of here. Now,” he didn’t even try to stop himself. He was also starting to care for her, more than he should. But, seeing her every day for twenty minutes at a time and the couple of dates they went on allowed him to get to know her. When she smiled at him, his stomach leapt with joy. Her laugh was infectious and pure. He also loved how her eyes lit up when he entered Naughty Sprinkles. I hope she feels just half of what I do.

Patience and Dane had parted ways a long time ago. He couldn’t wait to own a tattoo shop, couldn’t wait for his family to accept him. At twenty-four, he was going to be who he wanted to be whether they liked it or not. He had yearned to be out of Austin, but never knew where his oasis lay until he saw that ad. One ad changed his life and outlook. Now, he was taking another chance because he felt it was right so strongly. He’d go to his grave believing it.

Dane was running early for the date, real early, but his nerves wouldn’t calm down. He had to see Reece. He roared up to the Wyatts’ house and cut the engine. He had done nothing more with himself than shower and pull on a clean shirt and jeans. He wasn’t one to go over the top, dressing up to impress a woman, and didn’t try to be anyone else.

Dane took the stairs two at time. By the time he reached the top, he was out of breath. As he knocked, he felt his hand shake like a kid in junior high getting to first base. God almighty, he thought, my nerves are shot all to hell. If he was wrong, he’d regret it and never hear the end of it from Bannock. But Dane had to believe that Reece was the one.

“Dane, come on in.” Jed opened the door and Dane entered. “Reece is upstairs.” He looked at his watch. “Aren’t you early?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Well, come on. We’ll have a seat in the kitchen with Luther and Liz while you wait.”

Dane followed Jed and entered the kitchen. Liz was cleaning up dishes after dinner. Luther was leaned back in his chair relaxing, no surprise for Dane to see. “Liz, that blackberry pie was wonderful.” He walked on in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m glad you liked it, hun.” She looked up at the clock and smiled. “You’re a little early aren’t you?”

“Actually, I’m a lot early.” He rubbed his tingling hands together.

“Ah, a little anxious, too, I see.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Dane nodded and looked away. Liz was too damn smart. The woman could more than likely see the lust covering his eyes, see into his soul, his mind and know his dirty intentions.

“Let’s go outside and have a seat, Dane. Would you like a glass of raspberry tea or a beer?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.” He felt his nervousness rise. Liz knew, and of course she knew, therefore a stern talk was on the way. As he followed, his anxiety grew. I swear, this feels like my first date when I was a teen. Except back then, one hell of a big father was very protective of his little girl.

He had been threatened by fathers before. Now he would have the most intelligent woman he’d ever known warning him. By the time he left tonight, he suspected his ass would be clenched up tight when he walked out the front door with Reece. Liz seemed to know exactly what his plan was. He could see it in her eyes that were watching him.

“I know what you’re up to, Dane.”

“Wow, I’m transparent as hell.”

Liz smiled and waved for him to sit down beside her. “My niece has been through a lot recently. I shouldn’t have to warn you to be sure your intentions are pure before you continue.”

“No, ma’am.”

“Are they?” Liz leveled her gaze on him.

“Yes, I’ve fallen for her.” He admitted it, out loud.

Liz patted his leg. “What about Bannock?”

Dane cleared his throat and felt his body break out into a sweat. How did he answer that exactly?

“I see. So, Bannock isn’t exactly in on your plan, or with you in this adventure.”

“Well,” Dane rubbed the sweat from the palms of his hands on his jeans, “you see, after his fiancée left him while he was in the service, he, uh, hasn’t been much on women. Obviously.”

“Oh, so you think that Reece can change his mind?”

“I do. I know it. I feel it, Liz.”

“Don’t hurt her.”

“I won’t. I could never, I would cherish her, adore her.”

“You’re rambling, Dane.”

“Yes, it would seem so, Liz.” Dane rolled his neck back and forth trying to loosen his bunched up muscles. “It happened so fast.” He looked Liz directly in the eyes so she could see his sincerity. Liz was the type of mother he wished he had. Don’t get him wrong, he loved his mother, but she was so different and not understanding about anything having to do with his life. Liz on the other hand was worldly and open. If Dane’s mother had any idea what he was up to, she’d stroke out, and he was sure of it.

“Yes, it has,” she agreed and Reece came out the back door.

Dane focused on her as she came his way. She looked so damn gorgeous in her pale blue, form-fitting dress. Her long locks of hair cover her bare shoulders, quite a contrast against the dress. Plump lips smiled at him, highlighted with a light shade of rosy pink that matched the color of her cheeks when she blushed. Her long legs seemed endless, her cute feet with polished toes peeked out of her heels that made her another four inches taller. Long, lean curves beckoned his eyes to take her all in, inch by glorious inch. It didn’t dawn on him at first, but he rode his bike and Reece was wearing a short, very short dress. “Wow, you look absolutely stunning.” He stood up and greeted her with a peck to the cheek, holding her hands in his own. “I’m underdressed, and I’m on my bike.”

“You can take my car, Dane.” Liz stood up and left them while she went inside for her keys.

Dane wasn’t about to argue. Reece would not be straddling the back of his bike in that dress. Not that it wouldn’t be totally hot, but because he didn’t want half of Sunset Point looking up her skirt.

“Woman, I think my heart stopped when you came out here.” Dane caressed her face and softly brushed his lips over hers. He wanted her so bad at that very moment he could hardly keep from trembling.

“Are you shaking, Dane?” Reece asked and placed her hands on his chest, leaning closer for another kiss.

“Yes, I am.” Her scent invaded his nose, all sweet and feminine, furthering his growing desire. “You look so hot.” He groaned with images invading his mind. “It’s painful.”

“Pain? That’s interesting. Where does it hurt? Here, maybe?” she asked and grabbed his cock with her lips a few centimeters from his.

“Wow.” He backed away. His semi-shy girl had become hello handsy in a light blue dress. Not that they hadn’t already shared one hot adventure, but they were at the Wyatt place and he was trying very hard to win Liz’s approval. Her support meant a great deal to him.

Liz came back out with the key to her car. “Be careful, with both of them.”

Dane caught her drift and nodded as he accepted the key. The appetite he had for dinner had completely vanished. That last thing he ate was a little frosting off a cupcake, hardly filling, but enjoyable. Before that, he had no idea.

He opened the door for Reece and she slid in with elegant grace. She was able to rock those tall heels with a light sway in her ass. He became mesmerized. Dane noticed her long legs, all lean and muscular. The dress she wore had ridden up mid-thigh and he wasn’t positive, but believed he drooled.

All the way to Mama Lupe’s, his mind kept replaying her hand grabbing his crotch. He loved a woman who wasn’t afraid to show her feelings. They were seated at a table, and waited for the drinks Lane ordered for them. He laughed when she said, “We’ll both have sex on the beach.”

The woman was gorgeous, refined, ballsy and had his full attention. Any other female would suffer from frostbite if they approached. His eyes stayed fixed on Reece and he hadn’t even bothered to look at the menu.

“Do you bring many dates here?” Reece asked and glanced around the dining area.

“Just Bannock.”

She raised a suspicious brow. “No women then?”

“Nope, you’re the first.”

“Not to be nosy, but you’re not...” She blushed and averted her eyes.

“No, we’re not gay if that’s what you wanted to know.” Geesh, the whole damn island truly believes I’m gay. They are so off.

“Just checking.”

“Here are your drinks. Would you like an appetizer before dinner?” The waiter asked while placing the beverages in front of them.

“No.” Reece replied and didn’t bother to look away from him.

The waiter left them and Dane chuckled. Reece was most definitely his kind of woman.

“So.” Reece fingered the straw sticking out of her drink. “You haven’t brought anyone here except Bannock?”

He shrugged. “I don’t date much.”

Intrigue highlighted Reece’s expression. “Why not?”

“I don’t know. I guess I haven’t found the right girl, until now.”

Reece grinned and averted her gaze.

They continued sipping their drinks and communicated more with their eyes than words. The waiter came back by and asked if they would like to order dinner. Reece smiled and shook her head. “Actually, we’ll just take a ticket for the drinks.”

Dane’s heart began to pound incessantly. He had no time to prepare. Earlier in the day he thought he had dinner to woo her, seduce her. The tables were turned now and he was the one to feel nervous. As for Reece, she looked calm, confident and only slightly nervous.

The waiter stopped back by and left the ticket. Dane felt bad for taking up space when other diners waited. Reece made it worth his while and flipped out a twenty for a tip. “Let’s go.”

* * * *

They were in Liz’s car, heading to Dane’s place after a kiss that left her breathless in the parking lot. Lane didn’t know how she was able to play off the nervousness building inside. Somehow she’d stepped into another woman’s shoes, it seemed, where sex was concerned. The sex had been so damn hot with Dane in that dark closet the night of the charity auction. How he could trump his performance was an event she couldn’t wait to enjoy.

Not many times before had she ever been the type to initiate sex, or take the liberties as she had already. She had become tired of waiting for some days and tomorrows. In her short time on the island, she was now all about today and making the most of it.

Tonight, she decided, she would allow her heart to lead and not her mind. She was also partially ruled by her overactive hormones that bubbled over when Dane was near. Thoughts of Bannock worried her because she was privy to Dane’s plan.

Dane parked in front of his house. It was quaint and cute, cozy in feel with large palms surrounding it and thick elephant ears taller than herself, privatizing the yard. She moved to open her door and Dane gave her the no-no look so she pulled her hand back and waited.

He walked around the front of the car and she took a shaky breath. He opened her door and she stepped out, taking his hand. They didn’t speak, just walked quickly toward the door. They entered the house and no sooner did the door shut and their hands were on each other. Their lips met with eagerness, tongues tangling, exploring the sweet taste left on their taste buds from the fruity drink. They slammed into the wall. Lane wanted to touch him all over, feel his muscles quiver from her touch. She tugged at his shirt and he stopped her.

“Not yet.” He pulled her along as he walked backwards to the bedroom. His gentle lips kissed her neck, hands caressing her shoulders, falling lower to her waist where he pulled her tight against his chest. With a kick, a door opened and they all but fell through the threshold. His hands held her close and she felt his cock press against her stomach. She wanted him, this, now. Unable to wait any longer, Lane grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up. This time he complied and lifted his arms for her to remove it completely. Underneath were the tattoos she’d yearned to see. Her lips kissed his pecs, tongue swiping over his erect nipples. He groaned and ran his hands into her hair. His skin was soft to the touch, concealing a plane of hard muscle that rippled down to his abs and further down, following a small line of dark hair.

She had become insistent and hungry in her quest. She followed the outline of his beautiful hard chest with her tongue, admiring the detailed black tattoo. Her fingertips followed the precise lines and he quivered as they glided down his waist. She held the belt of his jeans, and with her teeth, lightly grazed the length of his cock through his jeans.

“Oh, my.” He gasped for air immediately.

A friend of Lane’s taught her a trick and urged her to try it sometime. Until now, she’d always been too shy in the bedroom. Tonight though, she felt unhinged and wild. When her mouth reached his balls, she vibrated her tongue inside her mouth with her lips pressed firmly between the area of the base of his cock and balls.

He reacted and his hands gripped her hair tight. “Holy fuck, that’s awesome!”

Lane had to smile. His reaction was worth the effort. He turned and urged her to follow. She was so caught up, she shifted her knees to the position he wanted her in. She worked quickly to release his belt, unbutton and unzip his jeans. She wasn’t in the mood for sweet and gentle sex. She wanted it all, headboard knocking, tangled up in the sheets, hot and wild sex.

Tugging his jeans down, she opened her eyes and took in the long length of him contained in his form-fitting boxers. The tip peeked from the top of the waistband. With a quick pull, his boxers slid down his thighs, leaving his cock jutting away from his body. She grasped his cock, wanting nothing more than to taste him, please him. She began a tortuous descent down his shaft, allowing the head to bump the back of her throat. Managing not to be led by gag reflex, she instead enjoyed the slick wave of saliva that filled her mouth. She found an easy pace, bobbing up and down, enjoying his appreciative moans. When she reached the tip, she could taste the sweet salty tang of his precum and swirled her tongue through the slit.

“Ooh, honey. That is fabulous.” His words encouraged her.

She allowed her tongue to lick the length of him, stopping to suck each one of his balls into her mouth with a firm suck. She repeated the vibration technique one more time and he cursed softly.

“She doing that vibrating thing with her tongue on my balls. Fuck, Bannock, it’s great.”

Lane froze and momentarily didn’t know how to proceed. She was afraid to open her eyes, but wanted to. When did Bannock get there? And how long had he been watching? Panic swept through her, momentarily stopping her heart for a brief moment before a substantial rush of desire replaced fear.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Bannock is enjoying the show.” Dane urged her to continue.

A rush of exhilaration enveloped her. Lightheadedness made her feel drunk and wanton. A hot wave of moisture spread, soaking her panties. She moved up Dane’s cock, catching Bannock’s eyes on her. All of sudden, Dane’s cock became the best damn popsicle she’d ever had. She turned a little on her knees so she could see Bannock’s face, wanting to see how the moment affected him. She also wanted Bannock to see her pleasuring Dane with her mouth. She grasped Dane’s cock in her hand and kissed the head, flicking her tongue through his slit, tasting the nectar his body produced. The entire time, she kept her eyes fixed on Bannock and gauged his expressions.

The man was so extremely hot sitting there in the corner chair. He was lounged back, his legs relaxed and gaped open wide. His blue eyes were feral, his mouth firm with no hint of a smile. He leaned to the side with his elbow on the arm of the chair, stroking his chin with his thumb and index finger.

“Bannock, her mouth is exquisite,” Dane rasped out as she pulled him in deeply again. Somehow the unanswered exchange between them seemed to fuel her to perform and please both of them. “Oh, babe, come here.” Dane reached down and helped her to her feet. His fingers settled under her chin, beckoning her closer. He placed a soft kiss to her lips, his eyes watching her expression the entire time. “Turn around. Let’s show Bannock what he’s missing.”

Lane turned slowly and lifted her hair up so that Dane could unzip her dress. Her hips swayed, the sensual mood making her feel desirable and free. Dane pulled the zipper on the back of her dress down, his lips kissed her shoulder and followed the line of her spine as the zipper led the way. Images of them all together in her dreams heightened her arousal as much as Bannock’s penetrating gaze.

Dane worked his way up her back and slid his hands under the straps of her dress. He pushed them down her arms. Lane released her hair and allowed her hands to move to her sides. The dress fell to her feet, leaving her standing in matching bra and panties.

“Isn’t she a sight to behold, Bannock?” Dane brushed her hair over her left shoulder and kissed her neck. His hands moved under her arms, leaving a fiery trail over her chest to her breasts. He circled her nipples through the fabric and she could feel them harden from his touch. With a squeeze to both of them, he groaned in her ear, sucking the lobe until she moaned with pleasure. “Her breasts are perfect, Bannock. So full and perky.” He slipped his fingers in the front of each cup and pulled down.

Lane’s nipples popped out, hardening even more from the cool air of the room. She felt like she was about to spontaneously combust from the heated gaze Bannock directed at her. Her breaths came out in short shudders when Dane pinched both nipples simultaneously. Bannock’s eyes flickered and opened wide for a moment before he resumed his casual gaze.

Dane nipped the tender flesh at the base of her neck and she couldn’t help but cry out. Dane released her bra with the flick of two fingers and slid the garment off, leaving her topless and on show for Bannock to feast his eyes on. “Have you ever seen anything more spectacular in all your life?” Dane asked Bannock as he palmed her breasts, teasing and pinching her aching nipples. “Your cock is hard, Bannock. I can see it stretching the front of your jeans.”

Dane moved his hands over her stomach. His fingers slipped into her panties and found her slick pussy waiting. A light rub to her clit set her on fire. With Dane’s hands pleasuring her sensitive clit and Bannock’s fierce eyes watching her, the desire for both of them had Lane about to melt down into a pool on the floor from all the stimulation. Her head fell back on Dane’s shoulder and she closed her eyes, lost in a wild array of colors flashing behind her eyelids.

“Her pussy is so hot and wet.” Dane sucked in a breath between his teeth. “Oh, yeah, baby, Bannock and I make you so fucking hot, don’t we?”

Lane nodded but couldn’t respond. She became too overwhelmed with sensory overload. Dane pulled his fingers away and Lane whimpered a complaint. He chuckled as he worked her panties down to her ankles, lifting each of her feet in order to remove them and the dress.

“Kiss me.” He pulled her back to his chest and she turned, wrapping her right arms around his neck, falling into the sweet demand.

They kissed with greedy lips. Lane’s hips moved, rubbing against Dane’s groin. She wanted him inside her, filling her. His hands splayed over her stomach. His hips matched her rhythm, moving with her, grinding his erection between the cheeks of her ass. “Please,” she whispered and it was the only word she managed.

Dane held her with his left arm and pulled her right leg up, placing her foot still clad in her heels on the edge of the bed, opening her wide for Bannock see. “Look at that pussy.” Dane’s fingers dipped between her folds and stroked her clit. “She is so wet. So fucking wet.”

Lane whimpered and thrust her hips into his hand. The friction was driving her wild. Two fingers swiftly speared her cunt and she cried out. His thumb started a tortuous circle over her clit with his finger sinking inside her, pulling out and thrusting back in. She trembled and gripped a mess of his hair with her right hand and pulled.

“Fuck, she is hot, so slick and hot.” Dane picked up his pace, his fingers becoming more demanding, pulling moans from her lungs. “Look at him, Reece.”

Lane lifted her head and leveled her gaze on Bannock. Her pussy was tingling with delight. She was so close, oh so close.

“Tell him to open his jeans and pull out his cock.” Dane said with a growl next to her ear.

She stuttered, “Pu–pull—”

“No, not like that. Demand him to do it.” Dane’s voice rose and a new round of heat coated his fingers. “Do it, Reece. You know you want to see him do it. Now make him.”

Lane did want to see Bannock’s cock. She wanted it so badly she found her voice and strength. “Pull out your cock and stroke it, Bannock!”

Dane chuckled softly in her ear. “Good girl.”

Bannock’s expression didn’t change and at first, Lane thought he wasn’t going to do it. Then, his hands slowly worked at the button of his jeans and she cheered inside. He lifted his ass and slid not only his jeans, but his boxers down with one shove. His large cock jutted out and she felt her body respond. She licked her lips as a tremor built. Bannock gripped his shaft and slowly worked from the base to the top. His thumb swept over the tip, gathering his lubricant and rubbing it down his long pole.

“Isn’t that the biggest cock you ever laid eyes on?” Dane asked her and sped up his pace.

“Yes,” she cried out.

“Show him how much you appreciate watching him. Come for him.”

Lane burst and felt electrified. She shook and quivered in Dane’s arms as liquid heat leaked from her cunt. “Yes!” she squealed and pulled Dane’s hair and head forward, holding him tight. Her teeth bit down on her bottom lip as she took rapid intakes of air through her nose while keeping her eyes open, directing them at Bannock.

Dane lovingly brought her down with sweet kisses to her neck, his thumb gently rubbing her swollen pussy. She exhaled and inhaled, unsure if she could catch her breath again. Seeing Bannock with his cock in his hand, leisurely stroking, had pushed her over the edge. When her release struck and she cried out, he gripped his dick so tight his knuckles turned white. The scene fueled her and the small aftershocks kept rocking her body.

With a strong embrace, Dane held her close and kissed her cheek. “Are you ready for more?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Dane turned her around to face him and kissed her while cradling her face in his hands. “You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever had the pleasure to look upon.” His eyes were genuine and loving.

“Thank you.” She leaned into his hand, loving the gentle caress.

“Climb on the bed. We have a show to give Bannock.”

Lane climbed up on her knees and stared at Bannock. She felt sexy and wanted. Dane was everything she needed or craved in a man, sweet, loving, and demanding. All the qualities she desired, wrapped up in a sinful package. She looked over her shoulder and watched him roll a condom over his large cock. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her. Dane noticed her watching and gave her a seductive wink and she melted.

Dane eased up behind her and nudged her legs further apart with his knees. Lane faced Bannock and his eyes were watching, his hand stroking his cock with liberal strokes. God, she wanted to taste him so bad. Dane caressed her ass and delivered a slap to her right cheek. She whimpered and felt her body continue to heat up.

“She has a beautiful ass, too.” Dane rubbed away the stinging pain left by his hand.

When Dane nudged her pussy with his enlarged shaft, she bowed her back and pushed toward him. Slowly his cock eased in and began to stretch her wide. She wailed with delight and closed her eyes, enjoying each inch and every ripple of his shaft.

“Mercy she is so hot and wet. So fucking tight, too.” Dane stroked her ego and gasped with delight.

He eased in and out to the tip, returning over and over at a medium pace. Lane wanted to demand what she wanted but was too caught up watching Bannock’s expression and his hand working his own cock. She wanted him to join in. She was hot and ready to share. Her body was so keyed up, she doubted service from both of them could calm the tsunami they’d created.

The pace increased causing Lane to hum. She could feel Dane’s balls hitting her clit, giving her a double stimulation. He gripped her hips tightly and she felt his cock swell inside of her. Sounds of his hips slapping her ass echoed off the walls, feeding her more delightful stimulation. “Yeah, Dane, just like that.” She gasped for air and felt her breasts bouncing.

“Oh, hell yes.” Dane groaned. “Ah, man, her pussy is so fucking awesome.”

Lane heard Dane’s strangled words and loved the sound of them. They pushed harder, faster, taking as much pleasure as they could get. Lane grasped the sheets and held them tight.

“Tell Bannock to stroke his cock harder.”

Lane leveled her gaze on Bannock with her tits jiggling while Dane fucked her into dreamland. “Stroke it harder, Bannock!” her voice boomed, demanding what she wanted to see, what Dane knew she wanted to see.

Bannock gripped himself harder and started pumping his cock faster. His expression had changed. He was turned on, but trying hard to deny it. The sight pushed Lane closer and she began to pant. “Fuck me harder, Dane!”

Dane pounded against her ass harder and his thumb gathered up her wetness and rubbed her tight bud. Lane gasped and felt her body tremble. Slick heat from her pussy enveloped Dane’s cock and he growled when he felt it.

“Oh, fuck yes.” Lane looked directly at Bannock. “I’m close, hell yes, so close.” She shuddered. “Come with me, Bannock!” She squealed as her orgasm ripped through her. “Yes, yes.” She continued to let out all that had been locked inside.

Bannock growled deeply as cum erupted from his cock, shooting up and landing on his shirt. Lane watched, captivated, riding the trail of her release that refused to let go. Dane thrust hard one last time and shouted as his release burst forward.

They fell to the bed, Lane flat on her stomach, Dane draped over her back with his hips still thrusting, milking the last of his release. He kissed her back and shoulders. His arms wrapped around her and held her tight, his cock still lodged deep inside. They became still, all rasping with the heat of the moment. Bannock’s head fell back to wall and his hand lightly rubbed his semi-erect cock. Dane’s body heated Lane as he nuzzled her neck.

“Baby, you are awesome.” Dane whispered and nipped her ear. He looked toward Bannock and grinned. The look he received back wasn’t a happy one. Bannock had a dark expression as he palmed his cock.

* * * *

Bannock closed his eyes with his head leaned back against the wall. He was sitting in the chair in his own bedroom where he had been planning to go to bed when Dane kicked the door wide open. What was he to do? Dane had planned the event and Bannock knew it, but had no idea it would be so soon.

When they barged in, hands groping, and mouths tangling, Bannock sat back in the chair in the corner of the room. He wasn’t one to interrupt to begin with. He could have slipped out without them knowing, but curiosity held him there. Reece looked especially hot in her short, light blue dress with her long legs bare, her feet in heels with her long cascading red hair falling to the middle of her back.

A part of him wanted to put a stop to the whole mess. The other part was hard up and couldn’t peel his eyes away even if he wanted to. He however had no plans of joining the two of them. The erection they created continued to enlarge and bunch up in his jeans until it became so painful he’d endure anything to ease it. When Reece looked directly at him and demanded that he stroke himself, he nearly came on the spot. Not many women had a voice and control in the bedroom, or at least he had yet to meet one. But Reece, well, she had it, with blazing lust filled eyes and a sharp voice capable of bringing a man to his knees.

Bannock now sat and watched Dane place gentle kisses to her alabaster skin. Reece resembled an angel as she laid there, Dane draped over her curvy body, her eyes closed and a sweet smile settled on her lips. Who are you, Reece Wyatt?

At one point, Bannock almost lost control and all common sense. Watching Reece overcome with pleasure when her release exploded almost caused him to push Dane out of the way in order to find his own salvation.

He finally opened his eyes, grateful he hadn’t participated physically. Being physical with a woman had a way of tying two people together emotionally, and that is exactly what he didn’t want. Of course he wanted to take Reece and fuck her into dreamland, but had enough sense and control to deny the desire. On the other hand, he was the guy who jacked off in a chair while watching. Either way, he figured, he was the loser in the battle.

Bannock rose from the chair and reached into his hamper for a towel to wipe himself off with. Dane continued to kiss Reece and nuzzle her neck while whispering what was more than likely sweet nothings in her ear.

He tossed the soiled towel back into the hamper and pulled his jeans up, buttoning the top while exiting the room. His cock wasn’t ready for the festivities to end and stayed semi-erect. Seeing his best friend hadn’t been like he thought it would be. He actually enjoyed watching Dane fuck Reece. Come to think of it, the event was hotter than he could have imagined.

While he scrubbed his wild hair and entered the bathroom, he replayed the episode from the moment they burst through his bedroom door. While his mind recreated the scene, Bannock turned on the shower and stepped in. Reece had no idea he’d be in the room and had a look of terror and embarrassment on her face when she notice him sitting there watching. What surprised Bannock the most was how quickly her shock changed and morphed into desire. Reece watched him intently while she sucked Dane’s cock. Her bright green eyes stared at him, black lashes batting innocently yet provocatively. Reece could be one of two different types, Bannock figured. She was either an exhibitionist…or she wanted to please him and invite him at the same time.

He continued to envision Dane and Reece together. The water rained down over him, relaxing his bunched up muscles. Reece was indeed gorgeous with her long silky-looking legs that made his fingertips tingle with anticipation. She was lean and fit, yet curvy with ample womanly hips. Her breasts were full, a little more than handful size, he guessed, as he recalled Dane holding the globes in his hands. Her nipples were rosy pink, hard and erect, begging for a touch or the lash of a tongue.

Bannock cursed as his dick swelled again. Why did Reece affect him this way? And why did the idea of sharing her with Dane all of a sudden seem like a good idea? He had never wanted a ménage relationship and had never felt sharing a woman could be so hot. Why the change? And why in the hell did the woman that piqued his interest so much have to be a person he felt he couldn’t trust?

Too many thoughts bombarded him at once. He began to stroke himself, figuring he’d get that bit of business out of the way since it seemed to cloud his better judgment. A long pull from the base to tip with the erotic images replaying caused his dick to enlarge further. He thought once about going back to the bedroom and sliding between Reece’s legs in order to tame his monster. But he couldn’t. He cursed himself for envisioning Reece, allowing her image to fuel his hand that pumped his thick cock.

Blood rushed to the crown, his pulse increasing. He released a ragged breath. God, he wanted her. Likely, Dane was working on round two and here he was, masturbating in the shower. He felt so pathetic, yet so much in control.

The door to the bathroom opened. Through the foggy glass of the shower enclosure, Bannock could see Reece’s naked form slowly enter. Ah, fuck. He let go of his dick and placed his hands on the wall in front of him, hanging his head under the water. What should he do? What could he do? More than likely she noticed him pumping his cock, and although slightly embarrassing, Bannock was more worried about her intentions.

Reece pulled open the shower door and stepped in. Bannock didn’t bother to look back but felt a cool blast of air. Her soft hands touched his back and slowly inched down to his waist. He quivered in response. He needed to tell her to stop, but didn’t want to. She eased her hands around and grasped his cock.

“Why do you hate me, Bannock?” Reece eased her soft hand from the base of his cock to the tip.

“I don’t hate you.” Bannock shuddered. Her hand felt so wonderful. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman touched him so intimately. His encounters had been short and fast with him leaving immediately afterwards. This was different. He could feel Reece’s soft body pressed against his. Her nipples tickled his back while her hands caressed his skin.

Reece forced him to turn around and pushed him up against the cool tile wall. “You know something about me. Why didn’t you just ask me for the truth?” Her green eyes blazed with intensity. Liz told her. Damn it.

“I’m sorry. It isn’t my business, but I’m a cop, plain and simple.”

“Fine, don’t ask. I’ll just tell you.” Her eyes glared at him. “I’m Lane Erikson from LA. My piece of shit boyfriend murdered a woman who worked for him. I walked in moments after he shot her.” Her eyes welled up. “He is part of a worldwide network that traffics women.”

“Reece, Lane—” Bannock stuttered.

“I don’t need your sympathy, Bannock.”

“I, I—” Bannock gave up on trying to speak and kissed her instead, surprising her.

She moaned lightly and pulled him closer. The hot water cascaded over their naked bodies. Bannock wanted her more now than he had when in the room with her and Dane, but fought the desire. After learning her identity, he felt like such an ass. He couldn’t bring himself that low. Just as Liz had said, she had been through a lot, and he felt he made it worse by blowing her cover.

Bannock backed away and stared at her for a moment. She looked so angelic looking up at him with her wide eyes and also very vulnerable. “I’m sorry, for everything. But I’m a police officer, Lane, I can protect you.”

She traced his jaw with a loving expression and smiled. “I know and I should have trusted you. I figured if Luther knew and if anything went wrong, you’d learn sooner or later.”

He caressed her cheek and sighed. And the dumbass award goes to…

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Re: Erotic book : Sunset Point (Tattoos and Cupcakes)

Post by sexy » 13 May 2016 22:45

Chapter 9

A fire lit in Lane’s gut. She had already decided that the life she previously lived before Sunset Point wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She also believed she was happy, but deep down, she wasn’t. In fact, Lane had worked and struggled to become successful and outside of landing some lucrative modeling jobs, all she earned was money and some vain friends.

Money and privilege had been a bonus, but all she really sought was happiness, acceptance, and finding love, true love. The once geeky, freckled faced girl had grown into the swan she always wanted to be, but it came at a cost. With everything her status earned her, it was also her demise. Working at Naughty Sprinkles had taught her a lot. The job allowed her to be creative, have fun, and visit with the most genuine, down-to-earth people on the planet, she thought. She managed to wedge herself into their matrix, a part of it now and she had no plans of leaving, ever.

With Bannock in on her secret, she felt somehow freed from the prison she felt she was in. All along she thought he hated her, but instead, he was being a good cop, picking up on details she didn’t realize. Note to self: I’m not a good actress.

The moment in the shower the night before failed to heat up like she had hoped. Bannock had softened. His gaze was deep and longing yet worrisome at the same time. They shared one slow and sensual kiss that made her toes curl. His gentle touch sent quivers racing down her back. She could only think of feeling him inside her, feeling his strong muscles flex under her fingertips while he thrust in deep and filled her completely. But that didn’t happen. Bannock excused himself, leaving her standing in the shower alone.

Dane took her home after asking her to stay she forgot how many times. The moment had drifted away and the night she hoped for never transpired. Bannock looked torn and being in the house near him would prove to only frustrate her more, so she opted to leave, claiming she wasn’t feeling well. Poor Dane, she thought, she lied to Dane.

“Um, how much flour do you need?” Sami nodded toward the bowl Lane was still scooping flour in to.

“Well, crap.” Lane stopped and looked at the huge bowl of flour.

“You are a walking disaster.” Sami giggled. “Get out of here for a while and come back when your mind is fit to use.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you with so much to do, but my heart is pounding and I really want to talk to Bannock.”

“Honey, I’m the cupcake queen. Now, shoo.”

Lane didn’t waste any time. She tossed off her apron, not needing to be told twice. “I’ll be back in a little bit,” she called over her shoulder and bounded out the front door. Bannock may have a past that still hurt, but damn it, she did, too. Realistically, Lane felt she shouldn’t be able to trust men again, but Dane had made her believe in love and the pursuit of love again. If she was putting her heart out there, so could Bannock. Underneath his gruff and uncaring attitude, Lane knew Bannock had feelings for her, too. One stupid woman who couldn’t see what an amazing man he is shouldn’t still have a hold on him, she decided. He is lucky, his ex isn’t trying to kill him or have him killed. Big baby.

Lane walked to the station with swift steps, power walking, that’s what she was doing. Her gait was purposeful and determined. Bannock and she were going to battle, today. People waved as she passed. She waved back and forced a smile. By the time she got to the station, her heart was pounding as if she had run a marathon. She entered the front door swiftly and scanned the front office for Bannock.

“Hey, Reece. Top of the morning to ya.” Luther waved with a cup of coffee in his other hand.

“Where’s Bannock?” Lane skipped the formality.

Luther pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “Break room.”

She made her way around the front desk and down the hall. Upon entering, Bannock glanced up from the far side of the room where he was talking with Jackson. A couple of other officers in the room got up quietly and exited. Lane figured she must have had an expression on her face that screamed “Get the hell out,” because men scattered. Jackson smacked Bannock on the back and smiled.

As Jackson exited, Bannock stood his ground and crossed his arms. “Good morning, Reece.”

Lane moved in his direction, fueled by either desire or anger. His eyes lit up with interest, more than likely wondering what in the hell she was up to. He looked so hot in his uniform, all perfectly starched. It molded to his toned body. She knew what he looked like under that uniform and the thought never failed to turn her on. When she got in striking distance, she grabbed his shirt with both hands and jerked him toward her. Her lips pressed against his roughly. He slowly responded, gently kissing her back. She increased the friction, the momentum, and he matched it. Her hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer, wanting so badly to feel his arms hold her.

The kiss heated and his hands were there, palms at the small of her back, holding her tight. His kiss was amazing with his lips molding to hers, so gentle yet stern.

* * * *

The Chief interrupted their engaging mouths with a stern clearing of his throat. It was probably a good thing, because Bannock was about to take Lane on the break room table. He wasn’t sure which part of his heart she melted, but it happened and his hands couldn’t get enough of holding her, skimming over the velvet smoothness of her skin. Her kiss was unhinged, wild, and speaking her heart without words. He could feel the passion she channeled. So hot and raw, bringing his defenses down with an artillery shot to the last lock on his main gate. He had worked hard to keep his distance, fear acting like a vise on his heart. He didn’t want to care for her, never wanted to want her so damn bad, but he did. Women had a tendency of leaving, leaving him that is. His fiancée wasn’t the first, but he had promised himself she’d be the last.

“Give me a minute, Chief.”

Luther’s expression softened. He nodded and left them alone.

Bannock turned his attention back to Reece. She gazed up at him with her gorgeous eyes. She looked lost and scared.

“Let me in, please.” She touched his chest, fingertips dragging over the pockets of his shirt. “I know you have been hurt, but I want you to know that I have, too.” Her eyes welled up as if she were moments away crying.

“I’m not sure I can.” Bannock paused and looked away.

Reece’s mouth parted with surprise. “I wouldn’t have thought you’d be scared of anything.” She trailed her finger over his chest. “You can either overcome fear or allow it to rule you. Take your pick, Bannock.”

A single tear rolled down her cheek. She looked so childlike and innocent. Bannock brushed the tear away and wanted nothing more than to kiss away the pain he could see she harbored. He wanted to hold her in his arms, protect her from harm, and more so, he wanted to love her.

“I’m not like other men on this island.” Bannock forced her to look at him. “I’ve never been the type of man to share a woman. I’m not sure I could.”

Lane looked away and swallowed as more tears erupted. She closed her eyes and nodded her head like she knew this would happen. “Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying.” She forced a sweet smile and wiped the excess tears from her face. “I’ll be going now.” She straightened her posture and walked away quietly, not bothering to look back when she pushed through the door.

I’m such a fucking idiot. Lane with tears in her eyes he created. What was with him? Why couldn’t he get over the hang-up he had? Dane had said she was pure at heart and now Bannock knew exactly what he was talking about. When Lane looked at him, he felt like he was looking deep into her soul. Inside, she was just a beautiful as the outside. And here he stood, alone.

“Son of a bitch!” He knocked a cup of coffee from the table, sending it flying into the wall across the room. When would the pain end? His mind ordered him to pull Lane into his arms, his heart argued, fear controlling him, just as Lane had said.

Then he remembered something else she said. “I know you have been hurt, but I want you to know that I have, too.

The protector in Bannock stepped forward. How dare anyone harm such an innocent and beautiful soul? A fire burned in his stomach, making him sick with the acid that churned. Lane had been hurt by a man, a man she more than likely trusted. That was what she meant in her statement. If she was brave enough to open her heart again, why in the hell wasn’t he?

Outside of Lane, he had the most loyal best friend looking out for his heart, Dane. Bannock closed his eyes as he sat down. Two people cared for him and beckoned him to join them, but he insisted on being stubborn. Was it too late? And could he once and for all get past his hang ups?

“Don’t fear the unknown. Sometimes you find yourself happier in the long run.” Bannock’s father’s words rang in his ear. Was it possible?

“Hey, numb nuts, I don’t pay you to hold down the break room chairs.” Luther entered the room with his usual swagger.

Bannock peered over at him from the table. “Sorry, Chief. I have a lot on my mind.”

Luther lumbered over and sat down opposite him. “Woman trouble, eh?” He raised a brow and scrubbed his jaw. “Fascinating creatures, the problem is, they don’t come with an instruction manual.”

“That would be nice.” Bannock leaned back and rested his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. “Chief, did you always want a polygamous relationship?”

Luther gave a sarcastic chuckle in response. “Well hell no.”

That got Bannock’s attention. “What happened?”

“Oh, you know. Boy meets girl, falls for girl, she falls for the brother, too, and can’t decide who she wants more.”

Bannock slid back in his chair to an upright position. “How did that make you feel?”

“At first, I was angry, but I loved her. I could see that Jed loved her, too. What was fair? Should I walk away and ignore my heart? Hell, we grew up with two fathers just like you.” Luther got quiet for moment. “We both had said once upon a time we wouldn’t be like our parents.” He snorted, amused by his thoughts.

“But you did anyway?”

“Yeah, and I wouldn’t trade a minute, or a second of our time together.”

“None of it?” Bannock couldn’t believe his answer. Even his own parents had a few dozen fights over the years.

“No, it has made us the people we are today. We love and respect each other. I mean, sometimes I aggravate Jed and claim they’re a pain in my ass.” Luther snickered. “Well, they are a pain in my ass, but I love ‘em”

“Great pep talk, chief.”

“Did I mention the sex is hotter than hell?”

Bannock pushed his chair back, the metal legs screeched over the concrete floor. “Okay, those are images I don’t want to see.”

“I’ll have you know I was quite a catch in my day.” Luther barked back.

“And I’ll take your word for it.” Bannock stood up. “Seriously, thank you.”

“She’s a good girl, been through too damn much. She deserves to be loved.”

Bannock felt his stomach ache. “I’ll be taking the rest of the day off.”

Luther smiled. “Sure beats having to fire ya, I suppose.”

Bannock left at a hurried pace. He had to see Lane. He needed to tell her he was wrong and he didn’t mean what he said. Would she believe him? And was it too little, too late?

As he backed out of his parking spot, he put it in drive and stomped on the gas pedal, leaving black marks and screeches echoing behind him. A dull pain radiated in his stomach. God, he didn’t want to be hurt again but feared he would hurt worse if he let Lane slip away. Dane would make her a great companion and Bannock had no doubt Dane would treat her right and adore her, but Bannock could be her rock, her protector, and the lover that Dane couldn’t be.

The dynamics of a multiple partnered relationship was beginning to really make sense now. He should have seen it all along. There was nothing wrong with three people loving each other, completing each other. Why had he ever sworn against them? Dane was his best friend, more like a brother, more so than his own. They complemented each other, two halves of a whole. They understood each other, relied on each other and now, god, now Bannock realized what Dane was trying to do all along. Their friendship would be bonded and not separated. Instead of a woman coming between them and creating distance, one would complete them and keep them together.

He pulled up to the curb in front of Naughty Sprinkles and The Branding Iron, stopping abruptly and cutting the engine. Dane had a customer, but looked up from his work. Bannock made a fist and patted his heart two times. Dane grinned and returned the gesture.

At the front door of the cupcake shop, Bannock took a deep breath and tried to settle his nerves. He never expected to love again or want to love again, and here he was, words jumbling in his head and wondering what he should say.

The door chimed when he entered. Sami looked up from the counter and glared. “Look what the cat dragged in.”

“I deserve that.” He owned up to her statement. “Is she here?”

Sami looked over her shoulder. “It depends.”

“I–I–I was wrong. I’m not good at this.” Bannock grumbled and paced the floor while giving his hair a hand job.

“Oh, my goodness.” A smile broke across Sami’s face.

“Yeah.” Bannock had it bad and Sami noticed.

“You better act fast. She’s creating a new cupcake in there.”

“A new cupcake?”

“Yeah, and she’s calling it, It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere. Better hurry before she drinks the ingredients.”

Bannock rushed around the counter and burst into the kitchen area. Lane was crying, mixing batter in a bowl with a bottle of tequila beside it. “Lane.”

She turned and looked at him with red eyes, a single tear rolling over her lip. “I might change the name of this cupcake to fuck it.”

“No, honey.” Bannock moved closer and put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you.”

Lane sniffled with a laugh echoing throughout the small space. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have believed I could find happiness.” She stirred extra hard and sloshed batter over the counter. “But on the brighter side, the frosting for the cakes rocks.” She dipped her finger into a bowl on the counter. “If the sugar doesn’t get ya, the alcohol will.”

Bannock grabbed her hand, startling her. She froze and looked into his eyes. His heart beat quickly as panic tore through him. He wanted her, but didn’t know how to express what he was feeling. He was scared to open up, to love again, until now.

“Lane, I”—he tried to speak—“it’s like this.” He growled out his frustration. “I, fuck!” He pulled her frosting coated finger into his mouth and sucked off the sugary creation.

Lane gasped and then hummed. Her eyes opened wide with surprise and then closed when he swirled his tongue and sucked harder.

He let go and smiled as he cradled her hand in his. Her eyes fluttered open and her lips perked up.

“I’m not good with words. I can’t write poetry. I can’t sing you a song…”

“Shut up and kiss me.” She pulled him with force until they connected.

Bannock held her closer as their tongues entwined, dancing together with the taste of sweet frosting comingling between them. It felt so wonderful to hold her in his arms and feel the passion she projected through her kiss. He had been an idiot. The word tumbled through his mind while Lane’s sweet perfume heightened his arousal. She was everything he had ever wanted or needed and didn’t realize it until now.

A spoon fell from the counter and clattered on the floor. Neither paid it any attention and continued, fueled by the passion they had kept locked away. Lane gripped his uniform tight. Emotions channeled between them. Bannock felt a sense of understanding and forgiveness. Her kiss was so sweet and so tender, it melted what was left of his heart.

“I closed for lunch. You two lovebirds have an hour.” Sami yelled from the counter and Lane giggled.

“A whole hour, huh?” Bannock smiled down on her.

When the door closed, Bannock lifted Lane up and sat her on the counter. They were eye level and Bannock caressed her cheek and smiled. “I’m sorry I’m such an idiot.” Her kind eyes smiled back, glistening with more tears. “Don’t cry. Please, no more tears. I fear you’ve shed too many lately.”

Lane nodded and let out a shaky giggle. “Kiss me again, Bannock.”

He closed the gap and gently brushed his lips over hers. She was soft and sweet, luscious with womanly curves, long legs, and a breathtaking smile. He groaned as their kiss deepened and ran his hands through her hair, his kiss becoming more urgent. Lane hummed with enthusiasm and wrapped her legs around his waist. Blood raced to his cock immediately as images of her naked body in his shower appeared. What a fool he had been. He wanted to touch her then, but held back. It had been maddening, painful even.

Lane began to unbutton his shirt and slowly nipped his bottom lip.

“Here?” His voice was deep and raspy.

“Yes,” she whispered against his mouth and continued to work down his shirt, releasing button after button.

He kissed down her neck with a growl erupting from deep inside. Lane arched her back and allowed her hair to fall back. Bannock trembled before pushing his hands under her shirt and shoving it up. Lane lifted her arms and allowed him to take it off. Her chest rose and fell with short breaths. Her breasts bunched out of her cute pink bra.

“Gorgeous.” He traced the outline of her bra before reaching back and unhooking it. Her breasts were so full, perfectly shaped. Hard nipples beckoned him to taste. Slowly he eased the straps of the bra down her arms and tossed it to the floor. He took her in for a moment, mesmerized by her beauty and her pale alabaster skin. “Lord, have mercy.” He traced her areola with his finger. Tentatively, he leaned forward and flicked his tongue over her nipple. She gasped and gripped the hair on his head, pulling him closer and demanding more. He suckled her breast, pulling it deeply, thrashing his over her hardened peak.

“Mmm, yesss,” she cried out and squeezed her legs around his waist tighter.

He gave her other breast attention, holding the globe in his hand with his other hand gliding down her smooth back. When he got to her hip, he tightened his grip and gently thrust his hips up, trying to grind away the pain concealed behind his trousers.

“Your gun is digging into my thigh,” Lane said with a purr.

“It isn’t my gun, sweetheart.”

She moaned with pleasure and pulled him up to her face, kissing him deeply. He unhooked his belt and allowed it to fall to the floor with a loud thud.

Lane reached down and stroked him. He hissed, wanting nothing more than to take her, but at the same time working to be gentle and loving.

“Loaded weapon?”

“You have no idea.” He growled and fumbled with the fly of her jeans. Patience wasn’t a quality he was known for. He tugged at her shorts and she rocked back and forth so he could peel them down, along with her panties. “Oh, god, no.” He fell forward and nuzzled her neck. He was so out of practice he realized he was missing one very important item.

“Need one of these?” A voice called and Dane entered the kitchen with his signature cocky smile.

Bannock trembled at the sight of him. He hoped Dane didn’t think he was trying to steal Lane away, because he wasn’t.

“Thanks for the invite.” Dane came closer, holding the condom in the air with smug satisfaction.

Lane giggled. “How did you get in?”

In his other hand, Dane held up a key. “Liz entrusted me with this years ago in case of an emergency.” He waltzed over next to them and pulled Lane to his mouth, kissing her and making her moan. When he broke away he laughed. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist her.” He poked the condom into Bannock’s hand.

Bannock was so hard up and so nervous, he didn’t know what to do. This was awkward, but a hot awkward that pulsed more blood into his cock if that were possible.

“Don’t mind me.” Dane teased and swiped his finger through the bowl of frosting. He dabbed each of Lane’s nipples, giving them a liberal dollop. “Mmm, good enough to eat.” Dane fell to her breast and Lane gasped with pleasure.

Bannock couldn’t wait, the throbbing sensation was increasing the longer the scene played out. He reached out and stroked Lane’s pussy. She was slick and wet, ready to take him in. She hummed when he rubbed her clit.

“Yeah, oooh, yes, just like that.”

Not much of a lefty, Bannock fumbled and twisted the button on his slacks. His right hand was busy pulling sweet cries from Lane, the sound becoming music to his ears. Dane made short work of the frosting and gathered up more on his finger.

“Have you tried this yet?” Dane hummed and went back to work.

Lane let out a giggle that turned to a loud moan when Bannock thrust his finger in her tight pussy. Hot, wet, and tight, Bannock hummed and cursed himself for denying her the other night. The sweet moans and the scent of her arousal heightened his desire. He plunged inside, wiggling his finger, with his teeth working to tear open the condom wrapper with his left hand he couldn’t make work like he wanted to.

Bingo. His hand shook almost uncontrollably as he rolled the condom down his aching shaft. Lane’s cries intensified and he increased his rhythm.

Dane groaned and looked back at him while his thumb circled her nipple. “Make her come, Bannock.”

Lane let go and squealed with excitement. She gripped Dane’s bicep, writhing and bucking her hips into Bannock’s hand. Dane kissed her hard as she whimpered. Bannock’s control was shot. He opened her wide and wrapped his right arm up under her leg, positioning himself.

“Please!” Lane rasped out between kisses.

Bannock surged forward and buried himself deep. “Holy hell!”

“I told you she was tight.” Dane reached down and strummed her nub as Bannock eased out and thrust in again and again.

Lane panted between her cries. Her bright green eyes were narrowed, sultry, and sexy as hell with lust. She reached for the belt on Dane’s jeans and tried to hold herself on the counter with her left hand.

“Easy, baby, I’ve got you.” Bannock reached under her and picked her up from the counter.

Dane positioned himself behind her and began to kiss and massage her back. Lane held Bannock’s waist with her legs as he lifted her up and plunged her down on his shaft.

“Yes, Bannock.” She kissed him erratically. He could feel her muscles flex, her inner walls gripping him tight as she worked to lift herself and ride him.

“We need a better spot.” Bannock turned and carried her around the corner. They crashed into a wall. Bannock pushed her back and poured all his energy into his hips, fucking her with all the desire he had pent up.

Dane shoved the chairs away from the table and shoved his jeans down to his ankles. His cock extended, ready and waiting his turn. Bannock slowed and lovingly kissed Lane. She purred, vibrating his mouth with her tongue. He pulled out and sat her feet down on the floor and directed her to the table. Dane sat back, his cock jutting straight up, straining and begging for attention.

“Suck his cock, baby.” Bannock couldn’t believe he was so turned on and how hot it was to have Dane a part of it. Lane sucked him in and Bannock watched Dane’s eyes roll back.

“Oh, fuck, yeah,” Dane hissed.

Bannock slapped Lane’s cute, round ass and she lurched forward with a squeal. She returned and glanced over her shoulder. “Do it again.”

He complied, striking her other cheek with just enough force to leave a slight sting, but nothing more. She moaned with pleasure and began to suck Dane again. She wiggled her ass as an invitation and Bannock smiled. Her wetness glistened in the light. The woman was too hot for words. He gathered her sweet juices and nudged her tight hole.

“Oh, god.” Her muscles tightened.

Bannock eased his cock again into her pussy and slowly pumped long and deep. He leaned forward and bit down on her shoulder. “Have you ever been taken here?” He wiggled his thumb.

“No,” she gasped. “Never.”

Dane brushed her hair away from her face. “She’ll love it, Bannock. I fingered her tight ass the other night and she blew like a volcano.”

“Mmm.” Lane relaxed and licked the head of Dane’s cock.

“I won’t take you here now,” Bannock growled with a renewed vigor and began to fuck her harder. “But later I will most definitely be taking this virgin ass.”

“Yessss!” Lane wailed and followed her hand with her mouth down Dane’s cock.

Their skin slapped together as Bannock delivered thrust after thrust. He rimmed her tiny hole, so excited over the thought of impaling his dick there. Most women wouldn’t even try anal. He loved it and couldn’t wait to put her in the middle. Somewhere a switch was flipped and everything he believed would turn him off had the opposite effect. Now he was wound tight, ready to explore and to share with Dane.

“Oh, baby, easy. I’m going to cum if you don’t stop.” Dane leaned forward and took her cheeks in his hand and kissed her. “I want to be inside you.”

Bannock slowed and smacked her ass. He rubbed the area and pulled out. “Put a condom on him.”

Lane grinned and knelt down to search Dane’s pockets. “You didn’t just bring one did you?”

“Oh, hell no. I brought lots.”

Lane stood up and tore open the foil packet. Dane hissed with enthusiasm as Bannock palmed her breasts and pinched her nipples.

“Aren’t her breasts perfect man?” Dane said with a growl. Lane rolled the condom down the length of him and then teased his balls with her fingers. “Get up here and ride me, beautiful.”

Bannock helped her onto the table. She positioned herself above Dane’s cock and slowly eased down until he disappeared.

“Fuck!” Dane gasped and grabbed her hips, lifted her, and guided her back down.

Lane moaned with her nails digging into Dane’s chest and wrinkling up his t-shirt. She rose and fell, their voices blended as cries of their pleasure escaped their lips. Bannock kissed her right cheek before biting down on her shoulder.

“Oh, yes, yes.” Lane wailed

“I don’t know what you’re doing man, but keep it up. Her pussy clenched my dick tight.”

Bannock slapped her ass and her voice rose as well as Dane’s.

“Oh, son of a bitch!” Dane growled, “So tight, so awesome.”

Bannock kicked off his shoes and the pants that were still around his ankles. His hand trembled while he stroked himself. The desire to join was too much to handle. Sheathing himself with latex, his heart pounded. Lube? A bottle of cooking oil sat on the counter. Not at all the best item to use, but he had to have something. After giving his cock a liberal coating, he climbed up behind Lane. He rested his weight on his left knee and steadied himself with his right foot while straddling them.

Lane’s body rose and fell. Light moans filled the room and increased when Bannock breached her rosebud. “Deep breath, relax. That’s it.” His voice came out as a deep rumble.

Lane hissed and her muscles tightened around his finger. “It hurts a little.”

“I’ll be gentle, sweetheart. Just let Dane make you feel good. In a moment the pain will go away and pleasure will take over.” Bannock slowly worked her oil-slickened entrance. He couldn’t wait to feel his cock slide in and experience her muscles contracting around him.

“I’ve never—” she moaned when Dane thrust up hard.

Bannock leaned forward close to her ear. “Me either.”

When he eased his cock in her tight channel, she hummed and Dane moaned. Dane reached around and caressed Lane’s ass and slid his hands down to her thighs and opened her wider. “Baby, we’re both going to have you at the same time. Are you ready?”

Lane whimpered and nodded her head. Bannock gently pushed into her ass and hissed from the heavenly sensation that traveled from the tip of his dick and spread to every region of his body. Lane groaned loudly and gripped Dane’s shirt. Bannock felt his stomach quiver, the event so hot his balls drew up tight. God it felt exquisite. He closed his eyes and allowed the sensation to take over. He stilled to allow Lane a moment to become accustomed to both of their cocks stretching her.

“That’s it, sweetheart, nice and easy,” Bannock coaxed and held her waist firmly.

“Wow, that it amazing.” Lane sucked in a deep breath and exhaled. When she did, Bannock slid all the way in.

“Damn!” Dane hissed out a breath and began to move his hips. “Give it to her, Bannock. Make her cum so hard she’ll never deny us.”

Lane writhed between and pulled all of her hair to one side, exposing her slender neck. Bannock leaned forward and nipped her tender flesh. His hips began a slow and torturous assault. He couldn’t take it, the stimulation so great it was pushing him close to his peak.

“Harder, Bannock,” Lane pleaded.

Bannock held her hips and thrust faster, deeper. Dane moved, but was in an awkward position. His cock was hard against Bannock’s and he was powerless to control the momentum.

“Oh, hell.” Dane groaned with Lane’s whimpers stroking their egos. “Fuck her, Bannock. Yeah, just like that.”

Lane wailed when she reached her summit, pushing Bannock to his. He let out a yell and hissed as he plunged in one last time and erupted. Dane shouted and followed them.

They panted, trying to catch their breath. Dane pulled Lane down and kissed her sweetly. “Baby, you were awesome.”

Bannock ran his hands over her silky skin and brushed his lips over her spine, making her giggle.

“I’m light headed.” Lane sat up on her knees. Dane’s semi-erect cock plopped out, wet from her cum. “That was so wild.” She turned and motioned for Bannock to come closer.

The table wobbled about the time their lips met and crashed to the floor. Bannock fell over the side and rolled off onto the cold concrete floor. Dane sounded off with a loud oof! And Lane squealed from the surprise.

“Holy hell!” Dane groaned and Lane crawled off the table. “I didn’t see that coming.”

Lane stood up and her legs quivered. She giggled and covered her mouth. “Oh, god, what am I going to tell Liz?”

“I’ll replace the table.” Bannock pushed up to his feet and pulled Lane to him. “Kiss me.”

As their mouths engaged in a sweet and sensual kiss, Dane growled as he tried to get to his feet. He made a lot of noise. The broken up wood clattered as it slid beneath his feet. “Oh, sure, leave the bottom guy out.” He complained and lost footing, falling to his ass on the busted up table.

Lane laughed and turned to offer her hand. “I’m so sorry, Dane.”

Bannock reached out and pulled Dane upright. “You all right, man?”

“My back is a little sore.” Dane beamed. “But god damn, wasn’t that the hottest adventure?”

Lane pulled his lips to hers. He moaned and fell into her kiss. Bannock moved up behind Lane and pressed his chest against her back. He nuzzled her neck with more satisfaction and joy than he had felt in years, making his heart swell.

“Oh, my. My, my, my. I believe I’ll be in real trouble around you two.” She looked at Dane and then turned to gaze at Bannock. “Maybe next time you can arrest me first.”

“Oh, baby, the fun is just beginning.”

“Mmm, you better stop putting images in my head or we’ll leave the closed sign up all day.”

Lane glanced over at the clock. “Oh, no you won’t. Sami will be back any minute.”

The three of them scrambled around, seeking their clothes. Lane ran into the kitchen while Bannock traded items they picked up off the floor.

“Hey, gimme those.” Dane jerked his boxers out of Bannock’s hand.

“Where is my damn shoe?” Bannock hurried around like a teenager about to be caught by his parents.

“Is that it under the table?” Dane sat on the floor and pulled his boots on.

The front door dinged and Bannock jerked his shoes from under the pile of wood that was once a table. “Oh, geesh. This looks really bad.”

Dane chuckled and stood up as Lane came fully dressed from the kitchen. “Oh, hi Sami.” She stopped in front of the entrance to the break room, blocking Sami.

“Hi, Reece.” Sami’s voice sounded questioning and uncertain. “Is Bannock still here?”

“Yes, I am.” Bannock walked up behind Lane. “How was lunch?”

Sami burst out laughing.

“What’s funny?” Bannock looked around and Sami pointed. He looked down. His shirt tail was sticking out of his pants where his fly was wide open.

Dane came out of the break room and Sami gasped. “Oh, my goodness. What do we have here?” She pranced over to Dane and smoothed the wrinkled cotton fabric of shirt. “Hmm, looks like someone had an eventful lunch. If you lovebirds will excuse me, I need to put my take out box in the refrigerator.”

“Uh, no. I’ll take it for you.” Lane tried to grab the box from Sami’s hand.

“I can put up my lunch, Reece.”

“Why do it when I can do it for you?” Lane again reached for the box.

“What in the hell happened in the break room?” Sami lifted a brow as a wide grin spread across her face.

“Oh, Dane had an accident.”

“What? Me? Oh, I see, blame me.” Dane threw his hands in the air.

“I see. So what is in there that I don’t want to see?”

All three of them shrugged innocently at Sami.

“I guess I’ll have to see for myself.” She pushed past them and stopped abruptly. “Holy fuck! What happened to the table?”

“Dane broke it.” Bannock called.

Dane pushed him back a step and grinned. “No, we broke it.”

Sami began laughing so hard she fell to the floor on her knees. “Oh, my god, who was on the bottom?” She turned and looked at the three of them.

Dane raised his hand slowly.

“Man, is your back okay?”

“I think I’ll live.” Dane tried to wipe the smile from his face and his cheeks reddened with embarrassment.

“Jesus Christ. We can’t even fix this.” Sami had crawled over the mess of broken wood.

“We’ll have a new table in here by the end of the day.” Bannock surveyed what was left in a pathetic mess on the floor. Next time, he thought, a bed would be more appropriate.

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Re: Erotic book : Sunset Point (Tattoos and Cupcakes)

Post by sexy » 13 May 2016 22:45

Chapter 10

Lane stretched when she awoke and smiled as the bright sunlight filtered into her room. Two days had passed since she, Dane, and Bannock broke the table at Naughty Sprinkles. She giggled when she recalled the shock on Sami’s face when she saw it. As for Bannock and Dane, they were embarrassed. She more than likely had a red face, too, she guessed, and flipped off her blanket to start her day.

Liz had a great time at her expense and wrote up a mock bill for damages to property for Bannock and Dane. Luther had laughed so hard tears rolled down his cheeks. Lane was sure Bannock’s fellow officers were having oodles of fun with it as well.

The night before, Lane had slept peacefully, and she had since that day. Later that evening, she sat Bannock and Dane down and told them everything that happened and that brought her to Sunset Point as a result. At first the news shocked Dane then he started acting as overprotective as Bannock. Although she felt better with her secret out between them, she worried in return she might feel a little smothered by them both wanting to protect her.

Dane wanted to use her real name in lieu of her fake one. He had a hard time remembering in public she was to be called Reece, at home Lane. After dinner with the two of them one night and a movie the next, she finally asked Dane to just call her sweetheart or something of that nature because he kept slipping.

They hated the predicament as much as she did, but until Joe and the group he was associated with were brought to justice, Lane needed to be careful. Once she had told her entire story to Bannock and Dane, a weight lifted. She wondered now if the hiding and pretending didn’t play a part in her nightmares, a constant reminder of what had transpired.

The worst seemed over with. She had the heart of not one, but two men, and adored both of them. Liz was so happy with the news she was all but planning a wedding. Lane wasn’t in a hurry for all that nonsense. Just having the love she always desired was more than enough for her.

“Well good morning, sunshine,” Liz teased when Lane bounded into the kitchen.

Lane pulled a cup down from the cabinet and grinned. “And good morning to you.”

“Love is a good look for you.”

“Well, we haven’t officially declared that it’s love yet.”

Liz snorted before letting out an infectious giggle. “The new table in my shop says otherwise. By the way, how come the two of them haven’t convinced you to move in with them? Don’t get me wrong, I love having you here, but I’m very surprised considering they know everything now.”

Lane blushed. “We’re really sorry about that.”

“If the three of you would like to destroy more furniture, I could really use a new couch.”

“I think we’ll stick to the bedroom from now on. As far as moving in goes, they asked, lots.” She stopped what she was doing and looked at Liz. “Do you think we’re moving too fast?”

“There is no set courtship length. Love is love.”

Lane hadn’t thought about it that way.

“Like I was saying, love is a good look for you.” Liz motioned to her. “Smiling like the cat that ate the canary already.”

“Thank you, Liz.”

“For what?”


The morning hours passed quickly. Lane and Sami decorated nearly two hundred cupcakes for the impromptu wedding the day before for Maxwell, Jackson, and her new friend Trinity. With the large order of cakes and the rising tourism, business was booming and visitors into the shop never seemed to slow lately. The business had boomed so much in fact, Liz was considering another employee just to work the counter. Lane hated to close for lunch and she and Sami decided to take alternate breaks so the shop could stay open.

Lane looked up at the clock, excited to see that it was nearing eleven. Tonight she had another date with Bannock and Dane. Following would be yet another hot rendezvous. They had yet to take her like they planned again. Bannock insisted on priming her, as he called it, because he feared he would hurt her. She had been sore since the last time. The anal plug he used worked to stretch her and also created the most powerful orgasms she’d ever had. That taboo area was more sensitive than she realized and found her excitement growing for Bannock to take her there, like he did in the break room. Just being between the two was hot enough, but she loved the exploration and the new adventures.

“I’m taking my lunch now, Sami.” Lane called and Sami waved.

Lane put on her sunglasses as she stepped out into the sunshine. The warm, fresh air and gentle breeze brought a smile to her face. She was home, she decided. No matter how the investigation ended, Lane had no intentions of leaving her newfound oasis. Sunset Point did have a hometown feel like Mr. Donaldson had said. She still laughed when she imagined Gilligan’s Island. The people were extraordinarily good-hearted people. Faces were friendly and warm when they greeted her. No one was a stranger, well, except for the tourists, but they came and went almost with the tides.

The Branding Iron was next door and Lane felt the need to build up Dane along her way. The cowbell clanked when she entered. He looked up from his work. A man sat in the chair and by the looks of it, his tattoo on his shoulder was nearly complete. Dane was a very talented tattoo artist. She wondered what other areas of art he excelled in as well.

“Hello, gorgeous.” Dane whistled and the man in the chair turned to stare.

“Back at you.” She winked and leaned against the wall to watch him work.

Dane’s hand was steady, his focus and concentration on his task was intense. She had seen many on the island inked by his hand. His work was superb, unrivaled by any that she had personally ever seen. She continued to watch him, mesmerized by his gorgeous face and sparkling blue eyes. Today he hadn’t shaved and had a little five o’clock shadow. The barbed wire tattoo around his bicep gave him a certain bad boy quality. Add to that his tight white tee, faded blue jeans, and black boots. He was quite a sight to behold, all hot and dangerous looking, but underneath, she knew he was a teddy bear.

He looked up at her with an intense and predatory gaze. His eyes sparkled with desire as he wet his lips. “You’re up to something.” His lip curved to one side. He blotted the area on the man’s arm and studied his work. “I can see it in your eyes.”

“Well, I was headed down to Designs by Lark.”

Dane held his tattoo gun away from the man’s skin and leveled his gaze on her. That got his attention. “My favorite color is blue.”

“Not pink?” she teased. He really hated that color.

“Sir, I’ll be back in just a moment.” Dane stood up and pulled both latex gloves off and tossed them into the trash. He wiggled his finger for her to follow.

Out of sight from wandering eyes, Dane pressed Lane against the wall, holding her arms above her head. His mouth locked firmly to hers, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. She whimpered and submitted. He could easily overpower her with his strength and she loved that he could.

“You are in so much trouble later, sweetheart.”

Lane’s voice was heated and raspy as she tried to reply. Dane had already worked her into a frenzy of lust. “Oh, yeah?”

“Oh, yes.” He held her wrists with one hand and with the other, he dragged his index finger slowly down the underside of her arm. She giggled when he hit a ticklish region only to moan a few seconds later when he grazed her nipple. He stopped and pinched, pulling it into a hard peak. “I bet you’re soaking wet.” He whispered between rough kisses.

“Mmm, hmm,” she whimpered as his hand moved further south.

“My naughty, naughty girl, using her lunch hour to tease me and shop for lingerie.” He nuzzled her neck and placed soft kisses down to her collarbone. “Just as I suspected.” His fingers slipped under the hem of her shorts and panties.

“Oh, Dane. Mmm.” She hummed, ready to take him.

He pulled his hand away and her pussy throbbed with want.

“Don’t stop,” she panted out the words.

“I have work to do. That was a little payback for teasing me.” He let her arms go and walked to the sink to wash his hands. “Get your hot ass down to Gaby’s shop and pick out something that screams fuck me.”

Lane trembled. She didn’t want to stop. What were these men doing to her? She went from having wishy washy feelings for sex to sex lunatic in three days. They brought out the naughty girl and she wanted to play. “Pink it is.” She sashayed past him, but not before he could swat her ass.

“I’ll rip pink right off you.” He gave her a look of warning.

“Definitely pink then.” She giggled and scurried away from him before he could leave her other ass cheek stinging.

Lane entered Gaby’s shop and was immediately in awe. Beautiful dresses and lingerie was a delight to her eyes. Everything was feminine from the décor to the apparel. Immediately Lane spied a petal-pink bra and matching panties. She pulled the lacy bra from the rack and almost put it back when Gaby Larkin greeted her.

“Hello, Reece.” Gaby smiled and her amber eyes lit up. Lane didn’t know her well, but enjoyed her spunk.

“Hi, Gaby. Wow, I’m impressed with all your creations.” Lane motioned around the store. “Did you design everything?”

Gaby grinned and glanced around. “Yes, I’ve always had a passion for designing beautiful and stunning pieces for women, especially in ways that are flattering for any body type.”

“I know I want this set for sure.” Lane handed her the pink bra and panties she had picked up. “Do you have any suggestions colorwise that will go with my crazy red hair and pale skin?”

Gaby laughed and her light brown hair bounced with enthusiasm. “Honey, you’re in good hands.”

* * * *

“Garrison!” Luther entered the room.

“Yes, sir.”

“Go and patrol the resort and keep your eyes open. There have been a few problems lately with tourists and I won’t allow it on our island.”

“Yes, sir.” Bannock rose from his desk and picked up his keys. His cell beeped with a new message.

Our little darling is at Gaby’s shop.

Bannock felt his cock twitch. He wondered what Lane would pick up. He thought maybe he should stop by, not that it was on the way, but he needed to see her. Their relationship had just bloomed and although he wanted nothing more than to wake up with her every day, he didn’t want to push too fast. For now, Lane was still staying at the Wyatts’. They were all enjoying each other, exploring and pushing boundaries, and for now, that was okay with Bannock. But soon, Bannock would like to see her under his and Dane’s roof permanently.

He pulled up and parked. Inside Lane was chatting with Gaby and holding up something pink and lacy. “Dane hates pink.”

The door chimed when he entered and both women turned their attention to him. Lane looked very delicious in her khaki shorts and white, lacy tank top. Her long legs were silky, shimming with the great body lotion that smelled like raspberries she used. He loved skimming his hands over them and loved even more to have them wrapped around his waist. She grinned mischievously as he approached. The way she smiled brightened his day.

“Hello, lover,” she teased and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Did Dane text you?”

“That would be classified information.” He leaned down and kissed her softly.

“Mmm, sounds intriguing.” She caressed his cheek and nibbled his bottom lip.

Bannock growled softly. “You know what that does to me.”

“Yes, I do. So, are you here to arrest me?” She batted her lashes provocatively.

“I wish. I have to patrol at the resort for a while.”

Lane frowned and poked out her lip as if pouting.

“Don’t give me that look,” he warned and smiled at her.

“It’s just that I’ve never been arrested before.” She trailed her fingers down his chest and licked her lips. “And not by such a hot officer either.”

Bannock chuckled. “I bet you stopped by to see Dane and left him as rock hard as you’re making me.”

Lane batted her lashes again. “Maybe.”

“Well, it may be time for a little discipline. I’m sure Dane would agree.”

“Mmm, being in trouble with you two sounds like great fun.”

“I better get down to the resort.” He leaned in for one more kiss. “I’ll see you this evening. By the way, Dane hates pink.”

“I know.” Lane shooed him from the store and waved as he got in his car.

Damn, that woman had a hold on him, he thought and smiled. He woke up with enthusiasm he hadn’t had in years. Every day seemed to get better and better. The sex was phenomenal and hotter than he could have ever expected. Dane knew all along, Bannock would have to give him that.

He headed toward the resort, along the way keeping his eyes open for anything amiss. Too much was going on lately like Luther stated, and Bannock didn’t like it either. As he neared the resort, he noticed two men that looked out of place on the beach. “Hey, what’s up with those two fucks?”

He watched them for a while, noting their half-ass attempt to fit in with tourists. They both wore tailored slacks and crisp white button-up shirts. One guy had the sleeves rolled up, trying to beat the heat of the afternoon sun. Something was all wrong. Even the wealthiest of visitors dressed for tropical weather, these two assholes stood out against the resort clientele in skimpy bikinis, dress casual and khaki shorts.

What the hell is he showing to that woman? Bannock pulled a set of binoculars out of the glove box and peered through them. He couldn’t make anything out as clearly as he’d like. Who were they? FBI? International agents in search of bounty? He had seen it all. If indeed they were searching for a criminal, the SPPD would gladly help, but since they’d yet to hear anything, he wondered. “Garrison to dispatch.”


“Do we have any outside law enforcement on the island?”

He waited.

“We have had no reports or contact with any agencies at this time.”

Generally, if law enforcement from the mainland came to Sunset Point, the first place they stop is the station where they identify themselves and state their business. That is simple protocol. Since these two hadn’t made their presence known, Bannock could only suspect they’re not law enforcement at all.

“Be advised, two men are questioning tourists on the beach. One Caucasian male, approximately six feet, short, black hair, around two hundred pounds. Second Caucasian male is approximately six feet as well, blond hair and around two hundred pounds. Both men are dressed in black slacks, white button up shirts, and black sunglasses.”

“Roger that.” Beau Rivers was out today as well.

Bannock kept his distance and found a place to park.

The beach was crowded. Large brightly colored umbrellas popped up from the sand, offering shade from sun. Bannock took off on foot, following the suspicious pair from a distance. Walking in boots through the sand worked his calf muscles as he trudged on. Scantily dressed women waved from beach chairs. Some were topless and some might as well be judging by the tiny slivers of fabric that barely covered their anatomy.

This was once Bannock’s playground when the urge for sex was too strong to ignore. Not anymore, he thought and smiled to himself. He had everything he needed, wanted, and more. She was currently shopping for lingerie. He really couldn’t wait to see what she picked out. Tonight, he and Dane had a meal planned for her at their house as well as entertainment.

Images of their plans played out in his subconscious and he could hardly wait for his work day to be over with.

“Officer!” a woman yelled from behind him.

Bannock turned. “Yes, ma’am?”

A mature woman with healthy hips bustled toward him, wiggling as she walked. Diamonds the size of dimes were perched on her fingers. Her large sunhat shielded her face from the sun with fifties styled sunglasses covering her eyes. She carried a tall drink in her hand and when she stopped, she put her spare hand on her hip. “Could you please tell those teens over there to turn down their music. I have asked them more than once. I didn’t come on vacation here to be blasted by that, that gangster music!” She pointed her drink in their direction.

Bannock nodded and wanted to roll his eyes. The music really wasn’t loud at all. Maybe she had her hearing aids turned up too high or something. “Excuse me.” He addressed the trio of young women.

“Oh, my, my, lookie here, ladies.” A topless blonde lounged in her chair and grinned.

The other two turned their attention to him. “Well hello, gorgeous.”

“I have to ask you to please turn the music down a little.”

The brunette of the group laughed. “Oh, I see, Haggatha caught up with you.”

“I’m sorry, ladies. Please, turn it down a little.”

“Fine.” The blonde twisted the knob. She leaned back in her chair and caressed her bare breasts in front of him. “Stop back by when your shift is over. I’ll make it worth your while, officer.”

Bannock turned and ignored her. Before Lane, he would have taken that opportunity, but now, he wasn’t even remotely affected by the topless beauty. He searched through the crowd and lost sight of the two men he had been following.

“Beau, are you at the resort yet?

“As we speak.” Beau replied.

“I’ve lost the two men. They were headed to the parking area.”

“I’m headed there now.”

Something felt strange and Bannock immediately began to panic. He pulled out his cell to call Dane.

* * * *

Lane emerged from Lark’s Designs with a bag full of the most beautiful lingerie. Of course she bought something in pink, just to see if Dane would make good on his threat. She had a spring in her step and felt carefree. If she could sing from a rooftop without causing a big commotion she would in order to let free all the giddy nerves and emotions that abounded inside her.

She looked both ways and crossed the road. Her hour was nearly up and she still had so much to finish at the shop. As she stepped onto the sidewalk at the other side, the sound of tires screeching behind her stopped her. She turned and hoped no one had been hit.

Two men jumped out of a van and before she could scream, they grabbed her, one clamping his hand tightly over her mouth. She landed with a thud inside and one man slammed the sliding door shut. The driver hit the gas pedal so hard she slid across the floor.

Lane lunged from the floor and struck the man beside the door. “Son of a bitch!”

The other man grabbed her from behind and she screamed as loud as she could, hoping someone would hear her.

“Shut that bitch up!” The driver made a hard right and the man holding her lost his balance and they fell to the floor.

“Let me go!” Lane struggled to get out of his hold.

The man she hit sneered and wiped the blood from his lip. He was a large man with thick arms and a wide chest. A scar marred his face and his dark eyes looked lethal in quality. In his hand he tugged a strip of duct tape from the roll.

“Nooooo!” Lane elbowed the man holding her but wasn’t strong enough to shake him loose.

“What’s the matter, doll face?” The man tore the tape and threw the remainder to the floor. “You object?”

“What do you want?” Lane struggled. The pain in her arms was intense where the other man held her arms tightly.

“A boon for my service.” He spoke with an unusual accent, but Lane couldn’t place it.

“Why me?” She tried to calm down. Maybe if she kept him talking, he wouldn’t tape up her mouth and restrain her.

“Funny girl, she is.” He wiggled the tape in his hands, taunting her with it. “Ms. Erikson, I don’t play games.”

Oh, god. He’s one of Joe’s men. How did they find here? She closed her eyes, knowing the answer. She used the phone to call her mother. The call was short, and movies had made her believe that someone couldn’t trace a short call. How long was she on the phone?

“You’ve got the wrong girl. I’m Reece Wyatt,” she argued and kicked him in the groin when he came at her.

“Fuck!” He fell to the floor and dropped the strip of tape.

“You bitch.” The man holding her shook her hard and increased the crushing force on her arms.

“Ow, you’re hurting me, asshole!” She threw her head back and connected with his nose.

The man on the floor rose and struck her with the back of his hand. Pain seared her skin upon impact. She yelled and struggled as he held her legs and began wrapping her ankles with the tape.

“You won’t kick me again, cunt.”

“Go to hell.” She fought his hold on her but was exhausted. She closed her eyes. “I’m Reece Wyatt and not the person you’re looking for.”

He tore another strip of tape off and pressed it over her mouth. “Let me tape her arms. Push her forward, asshole.”

When she was trussed up to their liking, they pushed her off into the floor and laughed.

“What a shame. Such a gorgeous piece of ass.”

Lane tried to keep her tears from falling. She didn’t want them to have the satisfaction.

“Not Lane Erikson, she says.” The man who had been holding her said sarcastically. He pulled a magazine from his bag. “You sure look like the bitch on this cover.”

Oh, no. The cover she’d been waiting to see. Lane shook her head in disagreement and closed her eyes.

“Let’s see.” He knelt down beside her and held the magazine beside her face. “Same whore red hair. Same green eyes and pouty lips. And looky here, the same little mole on the left side of her neck. Gee, we have picked up the wrong girl. Lying bitch.”

The man that had taped her mouth reached down and twirled her hair. “Red on the head, fire in the hole. We should fuck her before we kill her.”

The magazine dropped beside her head with a smack. “The boss will see that you become chum, too. He clearly said not to touch her.”

“Yeah, well that’s only because he wants her one more time and we get stuck with the dirty work.”

Lane listened in terror. This was it, her second chance and she ruined this one, too.

* * * *

“She’s been taken, Bannock.” Dane trembled with his cell against his ear. When Bannock called and sent him out looking for Lane, he no more than stepped out the door of The Branding Iron and caught the glimpse of a van roaring off. Sitting on the sidewalk was a shopping bag from Lark’s.

“Son of a bitch!” Bannock immediately radioed for backup.

Dane gave a description of the van, the direction of travel and Bannock relayed it to the SPPD.

Bannock cursed. “They’re heading to the airport.” In the background, Dane heard Bannock demanding that someone call the tower and suspend all flights.

Sami stood beside Dane and was sobbing. “Who would do this?”

“I don’t know, but you can bet they won’t get away with it.” He hugged her. “I’m going to help.”

His Harley roared to life and he headed in the same direction. They couldn’t lose her. Everything had turned out just like he had hoped. A happy life lay in their future and now this. He zigzagged around slow moving traffic. The warm air rushed across his face as he sped through town. His own safety wasn’t a concern. It was Lane’s.

Lane’s smiling face came into his thoughts and how she teased him earlier. God, he hoped that was not the last time he’d ever see her. He swerved and nearly lost control of his bike when he met a car full of tourists on the wrong side of the road. Adrenaline pumped and his heart raced from the near miss. Fucking tourists.

When he roared through the entrance to the airport, numerous SPPD vehicles were surrounding the entrance and tarmac. Blue and red lights flashed. On the helipad, a helicopter sat with the blades starting to turn.

“No!” Dane ditched his bike on its side and took off in a run.

Officers tried to stop him, but he plowed through them like a linebacker hell bent on sacking the quarterback. His legs trembled as he forced them to move harder, faster. He put up his hands and slammed the door open wide that led outside to the tarmac. In the distance, officers stood around the helicopter with their guns raised. Bannock looked like a statue, frozen and zeroed in his target. Dane slowed as two officers stopped him.

“She’s in good hands, man.” Diego Mendez gripped his arm.

Dane turned his attention to Lane. Tears streamed down her cheeks over duct tape the bastards put on her mouth. His hands gripped into fists. A dark-haired man held her around the chest and had his gun at her temple. She looked so fragile and scared. He wiped a tear that trickled out. Lane was terrified and he was helpless to do anything for her.

Bannock had a plan. Dane knew he must. His Army career had prepared him for situations just like this. But this would be more difficult since the woman he loved could potentially get caught in the crossfire.

Jackson leaned close to Bannock and they exchanged words. They had a plan. Dane’s stomach felt queasy. Two men flanked Lane and the man holding her. Another man was in the helicopter and readying for takeoff. Bannock’s eyes shifted to the right and then to the left.

Four shots in almost simultaneous succession rang out. There was a pause as the men holding Lane fell. Another shot echoed and Luther stumbled. Lane nearly fell trying to jerk her legs free from the tape binding them together. The man on the ground was injured and leveling for a shot at her. Before he could pull the trigger, Bannock fired, striking him directly in the forehead.

“Clear out!” A voice shouted when the helicopter started to take off. It bounced, lifting and falling back to the ground. The injured pilot was attempting takeoff.

Bannock gathered Lane up in his arms and began to run. A few officers stayed behind and fired rapidly at the helicopter and pilot, trying to disable it. The rotors were turning rapidly. The pilot flailed back and forth in the cockpit as he tried to gain control. Then his head fell and his body heaved forward. An officer ran to the helicopter and jumped in. He pulled the pilot back and struggled to shut the machine down.

As the rotors began to slow, Dane turned and ran toward Bannock and Lane. He pulled Lane into his arms and her muffled cries sounded in his ear. Bannock stood behind him and was caressing Lane’s face.

“I’m going to get this tape off, sweetheart. Count of three. One.” He yanked the tape and she screamed.

Bannock kissed her lips gently and softly apologized.

Lane reached over Dane’s shoulder and pulled Bannock closer. “I was so scared I’d never see you two again. All I could think was this was my second chance I screwed up.”

“Baby, you didn’t screw up anything.” Bannock kissed her forehead.

“Yes, I–I did. I called my mom the other day from the Wyatts’ place. Stupid, so stupid.”

“It’s over now. You’re safe and we promise to always keep you safe.” Dane stroked her back and held her tight.

Lane sobbed and shook with every breath she took.

“You’re safe, Lane. Please, don’t cry.” Dane heard Bannock say.

“They were going to k–k–kill me.” Lane shook uncontrollably.

Bannock walked around behind Lane and sandwiched her between them. “I promise, no one will ever harm you again.”

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